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Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

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  • Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

    As per title; allegedly in quarter two 2013, Systema will be releasing billet machined receivers that will fit all existing PTWs.

    Video Link.

    I am very excited, definitely getting one.

  • #2
    Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

    Standby for another TW am bestest thread.

    Fair play to them though, it's about time.


    • #3
      Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

      Just an excuse to ream the fanbase for more cash.


      • #4
        Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

        meh, they'll be cheap... not.

        I'll stick with my normal body, doing a grand job of holding everything together so far....


        • #5
          Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

          Nice "thing" on paper, but I can't help thinking this will be subject for internet forums and armchair warriors. Out in the field whose gonna give a damn, including the owner? I can't imagine many Vipertech / Inokatsu owners running around saying, ohhh look, my upper and lower are forged and machined...

          What would make this worthwhile, is if the "new" receivers had licensed trades!!! Preferably from the so called gun makers who are supposedly manufacturing these bodies. The other thing that would make this worthwhile would be, along side the trades, they used the correct material.

          As none of the above is going to happen, essentially the video clip is saying, wow, we have a new way of making the same product, and it's better than all the old bodies we've been charging you an arm and a leg for.....oh, and now we've made better bodies, new guns will cost that same arm and a leg, but also a bollock as well.


          • #6
            Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

            I know two people that snapped their investment cast PTW receivers at the end of 2012, both would have been happy to replace with an upgrade part

            strange as it sounds I guess there are some people out there that like to have nice things...


            • #7
              Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

              Originally posted by B.E.N. View Post
              I know two people that snapped their investment cast PTW receivers at the end of 2012, both would have been happy to replace with an upgrade part

              strange as it sounds I guess there are some people out there that like to have nice things...
              This isn't about "having nice things". 99.9% of the people who jump on this because of the hype won't be able to tell this body from the current body, this just seems like a marketing ploy to make people go Oooh. Not too mention, how did those guys break their receivers? And do you really think these new bodies will be that much stronger? Either those guys were abusing their guns, or......the product was sub standard......


              • #8
                Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

                Originally posted by B.E.N. View Post
                I know two people that snapped their investment cast PTW receivers at the end of 2012, both would have been happy to replace with an upgrade part
                Standard PTW receivers are die cast, not investment cast (IC costs quite a lot more) - and most of the problems are caused by the absolutely crap pot metal alloys that Airsoft manufacturers use, not the casting process as such (and most of the so-called "aluminum receivers" on the markey use shonky aluminum alloys - so they aren't much better). It's not as though Prime haven't been making very nicely CNC'd receivers from decent aluminium alloys for a while anyway...


                • #9
                  Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

                  Which are very hard to get hold of. In the case of the M16A4 receiver damn near impossible.
                  AUTHOR OF ALL YOUR PAIN.


                  • #10
                    Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

                    Originally posted by silasloki View Post
                    This isn't about "having nice things". 99.9% of the people who jump on this because of the hype won't be able to tell this body from the current body, this just seems like a marketing ploy to make people go Oooh. Not too mention, how did those guys break their receivers? And do you really think these new bodies will be that much stronger? Either those guys were abusing their guns, or......the product was sub standard......
                    Hang on, wait... You are saying that a commercial entity will make things that are marketable? Of course they will!

                    "99.9% of people will jump on this because of hype"? Don't you think that's a little presumptuous of yourself? Who cares if people want to spend there money on something the packaging tells them is better or improved, it's their choice, we don't like in post-war times anymore.

                    To the best of my recollection, the guys that broke their guns did so by falling on them whilst playing airsoft... Is that abusing them? Not really, but they had an accident and something broke, shit happens. Would you deny them the opportunity to replace their gun with a nice, billet machined version?

                    Originally posted by Heinz View Post
                    Standard PTW receivers are die cast, not investment cast (IC costs quite a lot more) - and most of the problems are caused by the absolutely crap pot metal alloys that Airsoft manufacturers use, not the casting process as such (and most of the so-called "aluminum receivers" on the markey use shonky aluminum alloys - so they aren't much better). It's not as though Prime haven't been making very nicely CNC'd receivers from decent aluminium alloys for a while anyway...
                    My bad, yes... They die cast them.

                    I do understand that this isn't a product for everyone, but what I don't understand is why everyone has to be so bloody negative about anything that isn't an entry level gun.


                    • #11
                      Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

                      Tbh if they do a proper VLTOR upper and lower receiver they can take my monies, just to have something a bit different and they look awesome lol


                      • #12
                        Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

                        Being a yearling in airsoft I am perhaps not really that well versed to comment however I am gonna drop my 2c in.

                        I have spent quite a lot of money on airsoft weaponry in the last 12 months, certainly £3k+, there are two of us so its not all been for me but the "expensive" stuff has been, while my lad is using quite expensive stuff now after me selling a few bits to warrant the upgrading like his ICS CXP8 and a brand new custom built TM VSR Gspec. I started with a s/h Magpul M4 then upgrade to s/h Magpul Masada and eventually bought a new Masada and did all the upgrades. I now use a TM sopmod with just about £500 worth of upgrades installed and its a dream machine, I also have the new TM416 Recoil on its way to me for delivery tomorrow (snow pending). The point I am trying to make is this, I have seen a few Systema guns and I do like them, I havent played a game with one but I trust the opinion of my team mates who do use them, and to that end they must be a good bit of kit. WOuld I spend £1300 on one out of the box ? no probably not, would I upgrade the lower to a CNC machined one, probably not, but thats my opinion and mine alone. What I have learned about airsoft and the people that play is that its a very personable game, each individual plays how he wants to play and uses the kit he wants to maximise HIS/HER EXPERIENCE. Me I like the heavy recoil of the TM sopmod, it looks like a tool not a toy and I get a much better realistic feel to my games that is enhanced by the feedback from the sopmod, thats what I like, and theres no way on earth I would say its the best because it probably isnt for some but it may be for others. Theres also a bit of so called eliteism in airsoft, to have the most expensive gun with the most expensive toys and bells on it, fine if thats your bag, go for it, you pay your money for how you want to play end of, and if that means getting a $500 machined lower for your PTW then fine I dont have a problem with that, it might look good but its the owner to whom it matters and makes a difference, no one else really.
                        Maybe one day I will have a Systema, I do like the MP5, but thats in the future, not today. Cheers


                        • #13
                          Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

                          I can see one advantage to these; in theory (at least), machined items "should" be stronger than cast ones. Now, that all depends on the quality of the billet they're machined from, plus the quality of the casting. But, I'd like to think that the average CNC'd item should be better quality than the average cast item. And, before people ask, I don't have any experience in engineering but I did work in the drawing office of an aerospace company for a couple of years, so saw plenty of R&D work involving both processes.

                          Now, having said all of that, if I had a PTW would I buy one? Probably not. What I would do, though, is buy one of I had problems with the original. No different to buying a prime kit to go on a TM in my mind. Upgrade to the best materials you can get if you want to, or wait till it breaks, but it's nice to know that this sort of item is out there if you want it.

                          One quick comment to the "this is really not very much better, so people will only buy it because they're PTW upgrades and their owners spend as much as possible to look good" brigade. What phone do you have? There are so many threads selling phones that are simply a few months old, but a newer version has just come out, and these sort of things never attract the abuse that CTW/PTW threads do. The latest phone may be better, but does that justify getting rid of a phone that you thought was the dog's danglies a few months ago? Anyone see a similarity between this and upgrading an already high quality gun? I do for one.


                          • #14
                            To be honest after getting two big standard MP5s, the only jump up I'd consider from here is a CTW then PTW. I just love how everyone loathes them, and they're users, simply because they're spending more money than them


                            • #15
                              Re: Real Spec PTW Receivers - Shot Show 2013

                              Originally posted by Boo-Sabum Ben View Post
                              I just love how everyone loathes them, and they're users, simply because they're spending more money than them


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                              Fenriz Old enough to know better. Find out more about Fenriz