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M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

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  • #16
    Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

    If these nades ever make it to the uk I'm binning my dmr, buying a glm and fitting the biggest scope you have ever seen to it. 100+m effective range. I shall spend all day running round shouting "BOOM! Headshot!"


    • #17
      Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

      i reckon even if the grenades make it to the uk, no site will ever allow them. too much risk if they hit someone in the face from 4 feet away when some noob slips up. plus, doesnt rifling make them a guided weapon, same as the first gen tlsfx motar rounds that got redesigned fairly rapidly
      -'Sly villain! Thou does not acknowledge thine hits!'
      -'I doth so, yonder vagabond, but thouest has the control of a nunnery whore, and thine accuracy doth compare to thine codpiece, short of the mark!'


      • #18
        Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

        Possibly. Although it doesn't have fins, or made of metal. Rifling adds a spin to it like a hop does to a bb, just the other way. so technically a bb is guided. This is however the uk and the laws are stupid.


        • #19
          Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

          Originally posted by Coz View Post
          Carry a spare empty clip and bounce it off your helmet
          Now there's a trick shot, Buffalo Bill and his wild west show, never thought of....
          "This is my rifle, it's just a toy one, there are many like it, they're toy ones too, without it, i'm £250 better off, without me, it gathers dust in the corner, we're just big boys playing soldiers, lets try and remember that" play fair have fun.


          • #20
            Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

            Someone on the WW2 Airsoft forum pointed out an obvious error in the ICS Garand:
            You shouldn't be able to see a gap between the barrel and gas cylinder at the front end.


            • #21
              Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

              If these can be had in the UK legally I will have a serious case of WANT!!!

              Especially if they do smoke rounds, and the delay fuse rounds! Would love to just lay down a carpet of smoke without having to get in throwing range!


              • #22
                Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                those nades would add a whole new element to games as you would actually be able to use a launcher as it was intended rather than as an oversized shotgun. I will buy me a MGL and a bandolier full of the delayed fuse and smoke ones as soon as they are here AND sites say they will allow them of course.


                • #23
                  Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                  ICS are thinking about making a China Lake 40mm Grenade Launcher. Goto their facebook pages and tell them you want one.



                  These new Grenades will be awesome with a China Lake.


                  • #24
                    Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                    There was a build thread for that China Lake prototype on the Replica Props Forum a while ago.
                    IIRC, it was built entirely out of PVC pipe by someone in Singapore.
                    He said he wouldn't reveal any more details as he was talking to a manufacturer about selling his design.

                    The problem would be that the grenades would need to be the same size, and end-to-end stackable in the tubular magazine.


                    • #25
                      Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                      It was a guy from the Philippines called Renegadecow over on arnies who built it, and a wonderous thing it is too.


                      • #26
                        Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                        Bit unfortunate, how the price of the gun went from £300, to £400, once the UK retailers, got hold of it though.
                        "This is my rifle, it's just a toy one, there are many like it, they're toy ones too, without it, i'm £250 better off, without me, it gathers dust in the corner, we're just big boys playing soldiers, lets try and remember that" play fair have fun.


                        • #27
                          Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                          Originally posted by philbucknall View Post
                          It was a guy from the Philippines called Renegadecow over on arnies who built it, and a wonderous thing it is too.
                          He also posted it on RPF, which is where I saw it.


                          • #28
                            Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                            Oh my god.... that China Lake....

                            CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                            • #29
                              Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                              I need an ICS grenade launcher now and a bandolier full of those babies.
                              I hope they aren't silly money though because if i lose one...

                              Edit: Oh its one round one use... shame, but I'll still give them a go.
                              Lady Astor (first woman MP in the House of Commons): "Mr Churchill, if you were my husband, I'd put poison in your tea."
                              Winston (getting unsteadily to his feet): "Madam, if I were your husband ... I'd drink it."


                              • #30
                                Re: M1 Garand AEG and ICS Rifled 40mm grenades at SHOTSHOW 2013

                                I've been doing some preliminary investigation into manufacturing a china lake - unfortunately i have no idea how to make a working pump mechanism that isnt overly complex
                                Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


                                About the Author


                                dave38x East midlands based airsofter & member of Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team. I am the team armourer and do the majority of our tech-work, as well as tech work/one off manufacturing jobs for others. Find out more about dave38x