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BB guns in the news again!

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  • #16
    Re: BB guns in the news again!

    There seems to be more and more of these stories coming out and each time someone sees someone they'll get more concerned, write to their MP and pressure them to do something about it


    • #17
      Re: BB guns in the news again!

      The reason the media like to make an issue of the guns is often because air soft guns are replicas. Nothing scares Joe public more than something that looks like it fell of the back of a talibans Toyota. Air rifles makes people think of young scamps shooting tin cans in the garden with a friendly uncle whilst washing down a werthers with lashings and lashings of ginger beer. But a bb gun that looks like a real gun!! Now that's a panic inducing news story. Why would any one want a gun that shoots fast and looks like an ak47, because they are terrorists that why.


      • #18
        Re: BB guns in the news again!

        that was a terrible article.....loved the part near the end though.

        "We're not sure about there being two groups of teenagers – someone fired a BB gun through the railings."
        sounds like while the local mums and media are playing it up, the local law enforcement are just passing it as a minor incident


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