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Ready mags are they even worth it?

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  • Ready mags are they even worth it?

    ready mags are designed for quick release and dropping the magazine. for airsoft you like to keep magzines (of course we pay good money):D
    but is there another option to super fast reloading without dropping your mags all over the floor?


  • #2
    Re: Ready mags are they even worth it????

    I use a ready mag on my SPR, with midcaps. I get the best use out of them thus:

    When I want to change a mag, it means I must be in a firefight of some sort. Thus, you release both mags, and swap them over, I.e put the empty one in the ready mag. This takes about 3 seconds, so very quickly you can then continue the fight. This presumes you aren't going to use up another 130rnds of midcap in the same fight.

    When it quietens down and you have more time, take the empty mag out of the RM, and replace it with a full one from your webbing. This takes more time, but you aren't in a firefight, so it doesn't matter.

    Ready mags, then, are useful to ensure you always can reload quickly when under pressure. I find mine very useful indeed.


    • #3
      Re: Ready mags are they even worth it????

      Ive found just using something as a dump pouch (eg something like a front pocket on a pair of combats) and just tossing the mags into that is quite easy. Ive never had any bother with reloads to be honest, more fun fumbling for that ever needed mag under fire :D
      Trader feedback:


      • #4
        Re: Ready mags are they even worth it????

        the best solution is a dump pouch and magpuls...magpuls for quick accesibility, and dump pouch to get the empty ones out of the way =-]
        TK Airsoft- Take one "from" the team

        Agent 99: Inside your belt buckle, there is a pill, if taken it will cause death in 9 seconds...
        Maxell Smart: Great, but how exactly do i get them to take it?


        • #5
          Re: Ready mags are they even worth it????

          Add to that CQB pouches with the open tops and bungee straps. Dump pouch or front of smock.
          Ive always found that if you wear PLCE webbing, you can just chuck things down the front of your jacket, with the belt keeping them in place. As soon as your contact is done, just take them out and pack them away again.


          • #6
            Re: Ready mags are they even worth it????

            ive heard that too
            and in fact i used to do it with my pistol cos i never had a holster


            • #7
              Re: Ready mags are they even worth it????

              Slight necro-post, but whatever. Dump pouch is the way to go I think... Ready mags are not really worth it. Though I do like the look of a pair of AK mags duct taped together :D. Alternatively you could do what I do. Drop them.

              I have used 7 Star realcaps (which are a reliable strength wise, and cheap as expensive dirt) in one gun fight, and just wandered around picking them up afterwards. No problem at all. And it makes reloading considerably faster. I do the same with my P90. P90 mags are huge, which makes them dificult to stow when reloading. However, it makes them very easy to find again. Just dont go droping them anywhere stupid like in a bush, or the pond. The only problem I can forsee with the whole idea, (on the basis that Im not going to actually 'lose' any I dont think) is people thinking theyve been lost and handing them in to lost property. Which is prefectly fair enough, but it would annoy me, since I'd know where they are meant to be otherwise.

              In short. Reloading is fun. Dont let a silly thing like not wanting to lose a £20 magazine ruin the moment.


              • #8
                Re: Ready mags are they even worth it?

                Im confused, what is a "ready mag"



                • #9
                  Re: Ready mags are they even worth it?


                  Anyway, a ready mag is another magwell that clips onto the side of your gun, thus allowing you to carry aroung two mags outside of your vest/webbing. Thus, as I explained in my first post on this thread, you are never magless under fire.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ready mags are they even worth it?


                    I see, I thought it was that, but then some points didnt make sense

                    Ah well, I know now

                    Cheers keeper of secrets


                    • #11
                      Re: Ready mags are they even worth it?

                      i use a ready mag and its well worth having, i also do use a dump pouch for my mags, but like has been said before when you in a firefight they are very handy to use

                      i would recomend them to anybody, it also means you got an extra 2 mags (one in gun one in ready mag )so you need less molle mag pouches
                      When in doubt call your self out

                      Team warhawks oxforshire squad


                      • #12
                        Re: Ready mags are they even worth it?

                        If you want to see how effective ready mags are, checkout Magpul Dynamics, Art of a tactical carbine. Yes its real steel but the principle is the same. The guy using ready mags reloads in about a second flat, incredibly fast, but even the other guy who has an interesting reload technique is damn quick too.
                        section 24 of the 1968 Act
                        Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                        1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                        2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                        • #13
                          Re: Ready mags are they even worth it?

                          lets not forget the other use for ready mags as a battery holder, using a mag shell you can fit a battery that will last all day long, especially handy on some custom m4's that look the nuts but extremely limited on battery space......just gotta remember to fit a small self tapper out of sight to ensure you dont dump the battery on your first mag change.


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                          Cpl-Mowatt Find out more about Cpl-Mowatt