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  • JG G36K

    Just thought I would put a review of this beast up, as there are no reviews of any of the g36 family yet.

    I got this around seven months ago and having previously had a 36c again by JG I was expecting a lot, and I wasnít disappointed. Well packaged in the box came the usual extras that we are now so used to form chinasoft. Included with the gun were a high capacity magazine, two-pin charger, 8.4v 1100mAh battery and a sample packet of bbs.

    Now when I first got my g36c there was a lot of what can only be described as 'gunk' in the barrel, however the 36k a quick run down with some cloth and oil then ciggie filters produced very little dirt or any other substance, which is very promising, perhaps JG are finally beginning to implement some more stringent quality control checks in their production line, who knows?

    With a fresh battery and full mag all ready to go, I went into my garden to test the range, rate of fire and fps. On a fresh battery the rate of fire was very good only dropping as the battery lost juice from firing but it still kept up a good rate for ten or so mags I put though it. Range wise with the hop set correctly a very straight and flat trajectory was achieved. On this note about the hop I only had to apply a very small about to achieve a maximum range, again I think that JG may be upping their game with regards to part quality. Though I still think I am going to put a TM hop unit in there at some point, just not got round to doing it yet. ;p
    Fps was out of the box 345 on the nose, but as the gun has bedded in, fps now sits at 335, which I am more than happy with.

    The finish on the gun is great, no real shine and it feels solidly built, the only slight wobble is the stock, but one small wobble isnít going to put me off treating it a bit harshly in the field. A point I might add I managed to test a few weeks ago when I fell over and landed on top of the gun. The gun was all in one piece but I was left the worse for wear, says something about the materials used to make me really hehe.

    As for performance in the field this is a great weapon for woodland and i am sure that with the capacity for folding the stock not bad for cqb either. In comparison to my 36c the 36k feels a better length for me personally and with a longer inner barrel has a slightly better reach than my 36c. It fires crisply on single and gives a good account of itself on full auto. I just love poking my flash hider out through bushes and seeing people spot the massive flash hider eyeing them up just before I shoot them for those that have not seen a 36k flash hider in the flesh they measure around three inches long perhaps three and a half. Either way they are big and chunky and give the gun a menacing look.

    After seven months use all I have done to the gun is clean the barrel and put a bit of grease into the gearbox, other than that I have done no internal work to the gun, its all stock. The only thing that did need a little bit of attention was the fire selector, as it became a bit stiff when returning to safe but a quick spray of wd40 solved this issue. Other than that this has been a perfect purchase and I would highly recommend one to anyone wanting to try out a good woodland rifle that isnít an armalite.

  • #2
    Re: JG G36K

    Thanks for that i was trying to find reviews of this. Im going to buy one now


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    Vladraken Find out more about Vladraken