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ICS L85A2 owners

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  • ICS L85A2 owners

    I've owned this beauty for about 3 weeks and took it out for the first time on sunday.. its a top notch bit of kit and as my first owned aeg i'm pleased i waited a while before buying one.

    I'm finding myself getting increasingly frustrated though because there is either little or no information about this gun and most of the info out there is either carbon copies from other sites, too vague or very conflicting.

    One person will say the barrel length is this and then another will say that the barrel length is that, no one seems to know what fps you get out of the 3 spring settings and so on and so forth, this is a gun that is atleast 2 years old now so someone must know something :p

    if anyone has any info they can or wish to share on this gun then i would be very grateful as i'm sure many others will be too

  • #2
    Re: ICS L85A2 owners

    I cannot tell you what the barrel length is but as for the spring that I can.

    I have an element M105 in mine and on the most compressed it runs at about 375 middle runs almost spot on 350 and never bothered with the lowest compression.

    Mine is a back up AEG which always works and has a good enough range and is very accurate. The difference between the various manufacturers is minimal and I bought mine through preferance for ICS stuff.

    The only thing I have found with it is that it takes a serious dislike to some BB's I now use with Excel's or Blasters as they both have never jammed on me. I have used a few others which will remain nameless otherwise this will be hijacked into a BB debate so only giving what works in mine.

    I have the Star Susat on it which is really for show only, but it is properly zero'd and remarkably accurate even on auto.

    I am using a 8.4V battery supplied by Zero One and it easily lasts a couple of days of sensible use. That said a full morning of pretending its a LSW does have an impact and its getting a little tired by the end of the day.

    The only thing I always do is clean it fully everytime I use it but thats common sense anyway.

    This is one gun that I will never move on as its a great all round package.

    I have also never had a problem using other manufacturers magazines in it although I have read that some have.

    I hope this helps a little.
    Sir we are f&cked we are surrounded. Son we are not f&cked we are in a target rich enviroment.
    Team Spartan & GZ Marshal (No longer a ZX12 owner have gone to the poweranger's toy of choice ZX10R)
    Any post's are my own opinion.


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    AzRael_179 Find out more about AzRael_179