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making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

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  • making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

    hey guys, attempting a new loadout which is really lightweight and mobile so i can run around for longer and bush crawl and sneak up on people etc. anyway firts piece to sort was the weapon, ive purchased a cheapy second hand JG mp5sd6 looks cool and light enough, however on the sneaky end... its far from this, probably the loudest aeg i have ever had haha, oh and the silencer on the front has no affect, im either thinking of getting a longer inner barrel, or if anyone knows of an SD silencer that actually dampens the sound please let me know!

    the gun generally needs upgrading anyway response is pretty dire as well as RoF, range im not so bothered about and it soots a steady 300fps so thats also fine for cqb etc.

    so yeh guys, if you have any tips on what i can do to make it as quiet as possible and parts required please let me know!

    im thinking of a high torque motor (probably shs or element as used in all my guns) and some 16:1 gears, although please like i say recommend me what you think, no particular budget as ill do it over time but nothing stupidly expensive!

    thanks, josh.

    oh and one general thing about the mp5 and i know it happens to all of them not just JG, is there something i can do to the selector switch to generally stopping it from being crap? its already fell off once!

  • #2
    Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

    Sorbothane rubber on the piston head - a few places sell them, one guy was selling them in the classifieds but didnt respond to three or four PMs so a quick google of airsoft sorbo kit and you should find a UK seller. I've installed them in a couple of guns and they do reduce the report of an aeg when a bb is fired - this will also correct your AoE so thats good!

    Other than that I know nothing about making MP5s quieter
    Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


    • #3
      Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

      Lpe piston head? Dynamat the outside of the gearbox. Shim the crap out of it,lol
      I know what i said because i was standing here when i said it.

      ICS FAN - Always looking for parts. PM me what you have


      • #4
        Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

        Installing a longer barrel will only increase the volume of your gun; it will essentially make the silencer redundant.

        Other than upgrading the gears, buying a dampened piston head and packing any space around the gear box with foam, you will probably struggle to reduce the noise dramatically.


        • #5
          Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

          I have heard helical gears reduce noise from a gearbox. But this is just me stating something I have heard from various sources and not experience so they may be worth considering.
          Broken/Faulty Guns (AEG or GBB)


          • #6
            Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

            Its a case of investment/return though - helical gears are far more expensive than a set of say, SHS gears (which are WAYYYYY quieter than my stock JG gears). Needless to say they need to be well shimmed to have any success.
            Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


            • #7
              Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

              Originally posted by dave38x View Post
              Its a case of investment/return though - helical gears are far more expensive than a set of say, SHS gears (which are WAYYYYY quieter than my stock JG gears). Needless to say they need to be well shimmed to have any success.
              I think SHS actually make helical gears for only £2-ish more, but they're only in quite high ratios


              • #8
                Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

                ive done a couple of m4 builds with quiet being the brief
                1 defiantly helical gears,hornbill do some nice ones in 16/1 ratio
                2 silent piston head and cylinder head combo
                3 shim it well
                4 really adjust the motor well
                5 run it in without a piston for a complete battery charge then clean and re-lube the gears
                6 pack around the gearbox and gun body with blue tack or similar product being careful not to foul up moving parts
                7 use a far denser foam in the silencer,i found that memory foam was best


                • #9
                  Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

                  The problem with helicals is normally they are high torque gears

                  The lowest ratio I can find from hornbill using google is something like 24:1
                  Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


                  • #10
                    Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

                    I've heard conflicting reports on helical gears "quietness". The best way to avoid detection is a single shot, as it is very difficult to pin it down direction wise. To that end, high ROF is your friend with a quick start up battery (Lipo of 25C or more) as that single shot sound of the motor starting, gears moving, piston impacting and BB exiting will be over a shorter period of time.


                    • #11
                      Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

                      i cant name the site but a web search for "hornbill all helical gear set" should do the trick
                      they really do make it quieter,i went to some trouble on this score not so long ago,its also why car gearbox gears are helical except for reverse and you'v all heard the wine of a car reversing.


                      • #12
                        Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

                        Its also to do with gear life - did you know most 1st and reverse gears are only rated for something like 50 miles of operation?
                        Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


                        • #13
                          Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

                          I know exacly what you mean man, they are really 'Clacky' arent they, not sure what it is that makes the noise, but you can eliminate some of the possibilities. Dont bother with silent piston heads, just get some sorbo and put it on the cylinder head and that will dampen the sound of the piston head hitting the cylinder. The loudest thing in any gearbox is undoubtedly the gear and motor whine, this will come from bad meshing of the pinion gear with the bevel gear and gears rubbing on one another, to stop this you want to shim the gearbox off the pinion gear as this will give you (if done correctly) almost perfect meshing and shimming. Then to improve response jsut get like a 25c 7.4v lipo and you'll have a smoother running aeg. In my experiences, the silencers with the foam in will dampen the shooting sound a little but not greatly so i guess its worth it.


                          • #14
                            Re: making an aeg overall more quiet, tips?

                            its all a little bit here and a little bit there that adds up,the blue tack is really good at damping down vibrations and rattles,it sounds a bit "sticky tape and chewing gum" but the results are good,fill any internal cavity's in the body either with foam or blue tack to reduce resonance.with a bit of time and trial i'd guess that you can reduce the noise by 2/3 .silencers really only help with muzzle report but every little helps and report can be halved by a good of the good things about silent piston head and cylinder head combo's is the fact that the cylinder head is trumpet shaped ,not only reducing noise but also improving air flow,just look at performance cars where they have trumpeted air inlet pipes to increase flow,you can sorbo the piston head instead of a silent head but silent piston heads are easy to find where sorbo pads need a bit more finding and i recon a silent head is quieter as its domed so there's no slap on impact .


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                            joshh1512 Find out more about joshh1512