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Increasing range on HK416 agm

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  • Increasing range on HK416 agm

    Can any one shed some light on how to increase the range on my AGM HK416 ? is it just a case of replacing the hop rubber and bucking ? or is a longer barrel the answer??

    Thanks in advance.....

  • #2
    Re: Increasing range on HK416 agm

    Should help you out.


    • #3
      Re: Increasing range on HK416 agm

      Big no on longer barrel.

      All all honesty, range is through CORRECT hop adjustment. Taking 15mins to find that sweet spot will give you more range instantly than any upgrades will in a poorly tuned system.

      First really you need to know what kind of range you are currently getting. Maybe arrive at the next skirmish early with a ball of string. Hold one end, and get a willing mate (preferably a not too clever one!) to run out about 40 meters. Take a few shots, play with the hop up. If you can hit them, get them to run back a bit further.

      You get the idea, and once you have found your maximum effective range, you can measure up the string to find out how many meters that is


      • #4
        Re: Increasing range on HK416 agm

        Roger that! But i may try the H style hop bucking and some TM rubber I have tried to play with the hop adjuster but my G&p just out ranges it and is the length barrel.


        • #5
          Re: Increasing range on HK416 agm

          H-Nubs = Good.

          TM Hop-Rubber = Good.

          But do you have a clean Barrel? Do you have a clean Hop? Are you using decent ammo?

          All these things will drastically drop your range, not to mention the accuracy. As Jag says Hop first! spend a bit of time on it.

          As it's an AGM is the gearbox spitting gunk down your barrel? When you last cleaned it was it a bit dirty or bloody filthy. And by cleaning I mean properly not just blowing a filter tip down the barrel. You should also look at the type of BB you are using. Some guns just don't like certain ammo. I had a TM G3 that would shoot AIM .2g's but hated Excel .2g's and a classic army AK that refused to put any backspin on Z1 0.25's. So maybe try out some different ammo types before spending to much money on upgrade's that might make things worse. Failing that Scrap it and by a TM P90 :D


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          concepttrooper Find out more about concepttrooper