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G&G m14 trigger contact

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  • G&G m14 trigger contact

    If anyone knows how to fix this or has any ideas I would very much appreciate it

    Could be a number of problems such as burnt out trigger contacts from what i've researched, but im not sure if it is possibly the trigger set itself.

    The problem lies from what you can see in the photo when the trigger is pulled it pushes the bar forward therefore creating contact inside the gearbox. But when the trigger is pulled the bar moves forward but seemingly not enough to create that contact. If the bar is manually pushed forward by hand the gearbox cycles fine. If i am lucky enough to create even a little contact using the trigger the motor will only slightly turn but never enough to create a full cycle but this rarely even happens.

  • #2
    Yep my ca did this i put abother gearbox in it
    Thoygh after i did that i took the old one apart and had a look. Cleans the contacts and block bent the contacts closer together and promptly lost the tappetplate spring DX

    Best advice i can give you is stick a 6 wire mosfet in it (the kind where you have 2 thin trigger wires) and do the mantence inside

    hoarder of ksc glocks currently 11+ parts and counting


    • #3
      Re: G&G m14 trigger contact

      so do you think cleaning the contacts and bending them in will fix this? I'm now planning on adding the 6 wire mosfet as i've heard the contacts are useless in these m14's and the mosfet should help a lot! Cheers for the help


      • #4
        Once the contacts are working and a fet in they shuldent corrode again but maybe they can bend out again eventualy.. you could stick some foam behind them so the spring back after shooting if ya get what i mean.

        Ill dig my spair one out in the morning and take some pics if ya need help taking it apart (neo magnets help a hell of a lot)

        hoarder of ksc glocks currently 11+ parts and counting


        • #5
          Re: G&G m14 trigger contact

          No problem, had the gearbox apart already so that shouldn't be a problem, hopefully the contacts will hold up okay if i get a mosfet for it, cheers for the help!
          oh and one last thing im not 100% what you meant by the foam?


          • #6
            It was just an idea that i had a wile ago for testing was to put something either side of the two contacts so they wont ever move to far apart with use. Not enught to jam the block but enugh that they stay there and go back. And witht he fet you wont have to worry about heat build up.

            Not that i have tryed it yet though i shuld as my ca m14 has started playing up again -_-

            hoarder of ksc glocks currently 11+ parts and counting


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            KarlMcc Find out more about KarlMcc