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King Arms P90 Upgrade Advice

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  • King Arms P90 Upgrade Advice

    Just after some advice & opinions if possible,

    I have a King Arms P90 that i am looking to slightly upgrade, i have put an 80mm suppressor on it so with the standard inner barrel length of 247mm + 80mm suppressor length am looking at up to about 327mm inner barrel length, i was wondering if the Massada barrel at 318mm will fit ? also what hop & spring would be best suited to run up to 350fps ?

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by sj_asc; 17 May, 2013, 20:50. Reason: Moved to Tech Section

  • #2
    Re: King Arms P90 Upgrade Advice

    Are you looking for a tightbore (upgraded) or just a standard barrel which is longer? It will be hard to find a tightbore in that size because they are less common. Also please note that despite common misconceptions a longer barrel does not have massive effects on accuracy or range in airsoft. Changing the length of your barrel also changes the volume of air required to push it (bigger volume due to being longer) so ideally you will need to change the cylinder that you use to a one with a port further back (more air volume in cylinder) Although your rifle would still work without doing this it would not be as good as if you did.

    As for the hop do you mean hop up rubber or chamber?

    A m100 spring should get you to at least 330 fps but it depends on how good your air seal is within the gearbox and hop up chamber. Personally i would go m100 because any higher and you may be over the limit, it does not make that much difference, gearbox will last longer before breaking and you will get slightly higher ROF and trigger response.
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    -M9 Magazine


    • #3
      Re: King Arms P90 Upgrade Advice

      Thanks for the response, was looking at a 6.03 tightbore barrel & found the Massada barrel at 318mm long is about the right length for what i want but wanted to check that fitment would be the same as my standard barrel, for the hop it was more would i need to change both or just the rubber & if so any recommendations what would be best

      Thanks Again


      • #4
        Re: King Arms P90 Upgrade Advice

        In the way of tightbores i could give you the makes of tightbore which are best performance and value for money, however i could not tell you whether that barrel would have a normal hop up cut out. I personally would go for one slightly shorter so you are able to actually get a good choice of tightbores in that size, you won't be able to see it so easily and you will know thats its a normal type barrel. A few CMs in length gives a very negligible effect on accuracy.

        As for hop ups i only ever change the hop up rubber because the actual hop up chamber has no effect on performance assuming it's not broken. It depends on how all out you want to go on range. The hop up rubber is the main determining factor on the range you achieve so it is vital to any airsoft rifle. As you are using a P90 i am guessing that you do not intend to use this as a marksman's rifle and the range although still important is not worth spending loads of money on for your setup? Correct me if i am wrong.

        I can recommend the stock tokyo marui hop up rubbers at £5 a go; these are the cheapest option but by no means bad. Systema rubbers at £6 (or there abouts) are meant to be just as good if not better than the tokyo marui ones. Madbull blue hop up rubbers are very good but are usually most effective when used in conjunction with a madbull tightbore barrel-the tightbores are great value for money and have good performance so you could consider this, however if not used with a madbull barrel they are very difficult to install (fairly difficult anyway) and if bought new comes in a pack of two for £12. If you want to go all out then firefly hop up rubbers are the nuts but are very expensive (£18ish) and hard to come by and are best used with the firefly flat nub which is another thing you would have to buy. I won't go into R-hops but if you are interested in getting the very best for your rifle and spending ages installing it and ordering it from the US then i will happily go into them a little although they are for more advanced airsofters and do not work in the conventional way.
        For sale:

        -Splitting M4
        -MP5 Parts
        -M9 Magazine


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