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MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

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  • MDD Hop problem on C-DTW


    I've just installed a new STTS MDD hop onto my C-DTW and I've been having quite a few problems with it... For some reason it misfeeds... In facts, it's yet to feed at all. Nothing whatsoever comes out of the barrel, although it is clear that BB's are being fed (from the dull sound from each trigger pull in contrast to the firing on empty sound) and the fact that BB's drop out after the mag is removed or remain in the barrel (which is clean BTW). I'm fairly confident in the installation itself and I'm using ASG blasters (not Devils), but it is worth noting that it does require a bit more force than expected to push a BB through the hop unit itself. Another point of note is that the magazines that I've been using (Vanaras) really need bashing home to lock in place which maybe suggests something is misaligned somewhere? I'm sure that the reason for all this is probably quite obvious but I'm yet to work it out...

    Any ideas?

    Kind Regards


  • #2
    Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

    Hi mate,

    I know this is an old thread but did you figure it out in the end? I've spent most of Saturday re-assembling the hop and cannot figure out why it misfeeds. Occasionally it will fire random pieces of BB (I was using .2 blasters as I wanted to chrono). I didn't try any other BBs, gun is a C-DTW with the celcius 6.00 barrel.

    After speaking to another DTW owner at the Asylum yesterday he recommended using a file on the feeding nubs of the hop unit but this sounds a bit drastic to do on a brand new expensive (for what it is) hop unit. Any tips would be helpful,




    • #3
      Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

      A few of my friends have the C-DTW and had issues using blasters as a general.
      My first suggestion, is try another brand of bb (such as excells) and see if it will feed with them.

      My DTW (and about 4 others at my local site) will not run blasters or blaster devils as we end up with feeding, jamming and chopping issues whenever we have tried them (a mix of DTW, PTW, Vanares and Mag magazines)


      • #4
        Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

        cheers for the reply, I normally use excel BBs (as they are a bit smaller than normal, helps stop the 6.00 barrel jamming) but I don't ever run .2 only for chrono which is why I used the blasters that I use on my glock. I guess I will install this again and try some excel .25s and see if it feeds.

        It took some effort to put in the barrel key as the hop seemed to be out of align slightly with the barrel and sleeve, I would guess around 0.5mm maybe a bit less.

        Gun only lasted the first hour yesterday as the pinion gear moved again, well that's what I'm hoping from the loud screeching noise it made, lower receiver works fine and the cylinder looked ok. Time to put in the fuse hyperion motor I have lying around!

        These DTWs are like marmite, love em or hate em. Great when they are working but need a lot of TLC.



        • #5
          Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

          Yeah, very hit and miss guns,
          (touch wood) mines only had to have the hop chamber replaced as one of the pin bits which lets bbs out the mags had sheared off.

          Mine is definately incredibly picky about what rounds it uses though. and thats just the standard 6.04 barrel.

          But yeh, best suggestion, try excels and see if it works.


          • #6
            Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

            Originally posted by bobtod View Post
            Hi mate,

            I know this is an old thread but did you figure it out in the end? I've spent most of Saturday re-assembling the hop and cannot figure out why it misfeeds. Occasionally it will fire random pieces of BB (I was using .2 blasters as I wanted to chrono). I didn't try any other BBs, gun is a C-DTW with the celcius 6.00 barrel.

            After speaking to another DTW owner at the Asylum yesterday he recommended using a file on the feeding nubs of the hop unit but this sounds a bit drastic to do on a brand new expensive (for what it is) hop unit. Any tips would be helpful,


            I did fix it in the end and it works very well now... That is actually rather an understatement; its bloomin' marvelous and out ranges and out shoots most other guns on the field. In other words, stick with it and you will have an exceptional weapon!

            I'm not sure what actually got the thing firing but I did the following:

            Installed 6.05 hyperion barrel - Did not fix the problem, but I figured that a less TBB might help.
            Installed Vanaras M90 - Did not fix the problem, but improved things a little. i.e. would fire BB's albeit with some chopping.
            Stripped, cleaned and re-lubed cylinder head and nozzle (i.e. took the thing apart) - Gun fired reliably, although fps was very variable
            Reshimmed buffer tube - Sorted FPS problem nearly... DTW and MAG magazines didn't perform too well
            Swapped to Vanaras magazines only - Sounds great and has more reliable FPS, but filling the mag to capacity still causes some chopping, for which reason, I only load about 90 BB's

            Hopefully this will help.

            Kind Regards



            • #7
              Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

              Originally posted by bobtod View Post
              Hi mate,

              After speaking to another DTW owner at the Asylum yesterday he recommended using a file on the feeding nubs of the hop unit but this sounds a bit drastic to do on a brand new expensive (for what it is) hop unit. Any tips would be helpful
              Ironically I was also at the asylum on Sunday (yellow team) where the DTW was responsible for some great long range kills, so the problem can definitely be solved.
              Just whatever you do, do not file down anything unless the guy you were talking to was on about the end of the cocking handle which needs reshaping (Dremel) to allow the MDD hop adjuster to turn.


              • #8
                Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

                I didn't even know who won in the end (prob a draw). I was on the black team BTW (dodgy tan camo trousers/black ubacs top sporting the backup galaxy mp5k and glock). I did get some great 30M+ kills running .28s in the MP5, only BBs I can use without it firing AA rounds even with the hop at minimal LOL

                Yeah I did notice the hop adjuster was difficult to turn, even took a chunk of my finger nail with it!
                I guess I'll have another go at the weekend to see if I can get this hop working. I would have loved the hop working on Sunday, plenty of long range kills would of been had with my x5 magnifier/holo.

                thanks for the replies guys



                • #9
                  Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

                  Alot of people have had issues with these. Some have reported just rebuilding it helps. I've not used one myself, so I couldn't say 100% if it would help. It's reports that i'm hearing/seeing from people. I use a Systema 2012 Inner and Hop unit with mine, and I too did encounter feeding issues at first. Mine was due to the cylinder bouncing when it was firing. Which all boiled down to the buffer cap not being shimmed properly. Due to the size differences, i'd first turn the gun upside down and dry fire, making sure you don't have this cylinder bounce. If you do i'd start with shimming the buffer cap first. And seeing how that goes.

                  It's all down to tolerances at the end of the days with these. And the DTW has very loose tolerances.


                  • #10
                    Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

                    Originally posted by bobtod View Post
                    I didn't even know who won in the end (prob a draw). I was on the black team BTW (dodgy tan camo trousers/black ubacs top sporting the backup galaxy mp5k and glock). I did get some great 30M+ kills running .28s in the MP5, only BBs I can use without it firing AA rounds even with the hop at minimal LOL

                    Yeah I did notice the hop adjuster was difficult to turn, even took a chunk of my finger nail with it!
                    I guess I'll have another go at the weekend to see if I can get this hop working. I would have loved the hop working on Sunday, plenty of long range kills would of been had with my x5 magnifier/holo.

                    thanks for the replies guys

                    Black team won Swines!

                    I don't remember being shot by you, but no doubt I was at several points before I worked out that my usual trick of nonchalantly wandering diagonally across the path of the enemy getting subtly closer and looking like I was not planning on attacking/out for a nice stroll/on my way to a picnic didn't work out too well. Having 10 players open up on you isn't much fun!

                    You lost a fingernail as well... I thought it was just me! To save you another nail, it is probably worth mentioning that even when the cocking handle is modded, the MDD will not adjust with a magazine in, you've gotta' take it out first. Not a great design from that perspective, but the performance is excellent, well worth the £75 or whatever it costs in my view.

                    If you ever (which you will) break the O'ring that holds the hop adjuster in place, let me know, as I have the specs for this and a few other bits sitting in my e-mail somewhere.

                    Last edited by rjb; 18 March, 2014, 19:38.


                    • #11
                      Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

                      Originally posted by rjb View Post
                      If you ever (which you will) break the O'ring that holds the hop adjuster in place, let me know, as I have the specs for this and a few other bits sitting in my e-mail somewhere.
                      Already snapped it after the 3rd strip down! If you can give me the spec of the O ring so I can order some in I would appreciate it, it did look a bit too small for the job TBH.

                      LOL at the picnic walk, I think everyone does this at some point, if I see an enemy with no hand up I will aim so they can see me this normally results in a hand show or a quick draw!



                      • #12
                        Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

                        Originally posted by bobtod View Post
                        Already snapped it after the 3rd strip down! If you can give me the spec of the O ring so I can order some in I would appreciate it, it did look a bit too small for the job TBH.

                        LOL at the picnic walk, I think everyone does this at some point, if I see an enemy with no hand up I will aim so they can see me this normally results in a hand show or a quick draw!

                        I'm not surprised at all! According to STTS (the guys who make the MDD hop) the O ring is a 10.5mm (ID) x 1mm nitrile ring. A search has yielded 1 UK supplier, but they demand a minimum order of 20 + postage. A sensible alternative is probably a 10mm x 1mm viton ring available on ebay for £3-4 for 10 of them which isn't bad.

                        I was disappointed in my lack of successful picnic walk, it really has worked really well in the past... From what you said my past success might be down to my crappy eyesight and not even spotting when someone has pointed a gun in my direction, hence no quick draw or raised hand!


                        • #13
                          Re: MDD Hop problem on C-DTW

                          Ordered some, thanks pal,



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