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Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

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  • Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

    I have a G&G toptech Mp5A5 . I have only used this twice and with no modification at all . I bought new and assumed it fired at the velocity that the website says , however I was random cronoed at my site on Sunday and the 3 speeds my gun achieved were 400+ , 390 and 375 feet per second . Its advertised as 300fps with 600 rounds per minute . My gun seems to fire less rounds but at a clearly much higher speed. I am aware that due to it having a tight bore barrel this could increase the speed of the rounds but this seems excessive , is it likely the wrong spring was put in the gun ?

    I was advised at the club to fire alot of rounds through it to try and loosen the spring so its less tense , but it seems im looking for a massive (25%) overall decrease there. So am I just going to have to purchase a new spring?

    Any help /advice greatly appreciated , this is my first gun , and want a bit of a heads up before I start pulling it apart.

  • #2
    Re: Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

    sound's like the wrong spring, lower rate of fire sort of confirms a spring change for an m100 seems the way forward, that should see around 330 fps.


    • #3
      Re: Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

      Just clip down your current spring and keep chronoing until you have got to ~345 fps, no need to a buy a new spring.
      Lady Astor (first woman MP in the House of Commons): "Mr Churchill, if you were my husband, I'd put poison in your tea."
      Winston (getting unsteadily to his feet): "Madam, if I were your husband ... I'd drink it."


      • #4
        Re: Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

        Or do it properly and replace the spring. It cost a tenner for a new spring where as chopping could cost a new piston and possibly gears if done wrong.
        section 24 of the 1968 Act
        Supplying imitation firearms to minors
        1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
        2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


        • #5
          Re: Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

          To be honest,if you bought new and it was advertised as 300 or what ever it was then I'd contact the place where you bought it! As it should be in warranty and not fit for purpose and miss sold! Obviously that's the long winded way but unless your confidant stripping the gearbox then id advise don't, and send it back to be sorted, and should be for free!

          However on another note! Not saying you would but, are you using stupidly light ammo? Like .12's

          Just a thought!?

          Hope this helps.


          • #6
            Re: Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

            Strebor hit the nail on the head - it's all Watchdog type consumer stuff that is your friend here.... possibly.....

            Did you buy from the internet just clicking buttons or did you talk to somebody?

            If you spoke to somebody at a shop, they should have known what you were intending it's use for, and therefore it was sold not fit for purpose - they can refund you or make good the kit.

            If you simply bought over the internet, you are covered by distance selling regulations AND not fit for purpose.

            The shop (assuming it is in the UK) should simply do the rectification work, free of charge.
            If it was from abroad, i would invoice them for the cost of a repair.


            • #7
              Re: Gun way to powerful and not sure why.

              Is this one of the blowback ones?

              Blocking off the blowback can cause an increase in fps


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              Eideu Find out more about Eideu