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Ares Ameoba am-009 upgrade and feeding issues

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  • Ares Ameoba am-009 upgrade and feeding issues

    Hi Guys

    I'm new to the forum and Airsofting but utterly addicted. Have recently bought a brand new Ares 009 M4 which is firing around 285 fps and the accuracy is "tolerable"

    I want to get 2 setups, one for around 330 fps (cqb) and one for 350 for other arenas, maximising range and accuracy over RoF.

    Where's the best place to start upgrading, in guessing spring to get the Fps up but I've read that fps isn't everything so would love to have a good range setup.
    I kinda get the gists of How an AEG works but I don't want to order a bunch of parts and then find out they are wrong or incompatible. Also no real budget limitations on this.

    Not sure if I should do a separate post but I bought 2 midcap ares M4 mags (the ones with built in magpulls) and both of them only seem to give bbs to the gun 3 out of 5 times ish where as the high cap that came with the gun feeds fine ( but I loath hicaps because of the winding)
    I spoke to a few people and they said "well it's ARES what do you expect" however I've only seen positive reviews around these mags.

    Any thoughts or guidance would be great!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • #2
    Re: Ares Ameoba am-009 upgrade and feeding issues

    Just leave it at the lowest fps that it has to be for your sites (I guess 330) because the extra fps makes no difference to range and your fps will probably fluctuate by nearly 20 fps anyway. Also pretty much all hop-up parts, barrels (assuming length) and compression parts (apart from cylinder head which you dont need to change, and air nozzle) will fit your rifle with the correct installation.

    If you want better range then upgrade your hop up rubber and nub and ensure it is set up correctly with good air seal. The best hop up rubber and nub combinations have been discussed on this forum hundreds of times before; you just need to look.

    For better accuracy you need to get consistent fps, so putting your new spring in and ensuring all of your compression parts (piston head O-ring, cylinder head, air nozzle and hop up) don't leak any air so your rifle shoots the same fps each time. Once you have achieved this you need to stabilise your inner and outer barrels so they don't wobble-for obvious reasons. If you have done all this successfully and still want more accuracy you can purchase a tightbore barrel which will help your accuracy again. As with the hop up, all the information on which barrels are good and guides to maximise air compression can be found on this forum or through google.
    For sale:

    -Splitting M4
    -MP5 Parts
    -M9 Magazine


    About the Author


    darkeh Airsoft N00b - for now. Find out more about darkeh