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advice on upgrades....

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  • advice on upgrades....

    hey all,ive currently got a g&g cm r8l and would like to do a few basic upgrades
    for better range and accuracy..its currently shooting around 320 fps and the club i
    play at limit is if i can squeeze a few more that would be splendid..
    iam looking at getting a better barrel and have read that either a madbull or
    Prometheus EG Barrel 363mm M4 SR16 SG551 SOPMOD are pretty good for the money
    ? also iam wondering if its worthwhile changing the hop up for a metal one the same
    make as barrel? so i get a decent fit when changed? also thinking of shimming the gearbox
    and wondering whats the best shim kit to buy?

    any input much appreciated...


  • #2
    Re: advice on upgrades....

    The first point to make is that adding a few FPS will have only a very marginal effect on range. When it comes to increasing range and repetitive accuracy, what really matters is the quality of the hop unit. The basic G&G M4 style hop and green rubber are a pretty decent combination but you can improve by fitting, for example, a ProWin hop unit and r-hopping it.

    Accuracy can be improved by using a more consistently sized barrel and many people prefer a tight bore; of the two that you mention, the Prometheus is, imho, by far the better of the two in terms of diametric consistency. Also, having a weapon that fires consistently makes a huge difference with regard to repetitive accuracy. So, ideally you should completely overhaul the gearbox, sort out the AoE, and fix any air leaks.


    • #3
      Re: advice on upgrades....

      firstly thanks for the responce,i realise iam a newb and dont fully understand everything yet..
      iam having trouble finding a uk stockist who has the prometheus in stock in my size any suggestions?
      if not i was thinking of going for the MAD BULL 363mm 6.03 Stainless Steel Tightbore Barrel and madbull
      3 in 1 metal hop up as i figured they will create a better seal together than 2 diff makes of parts? i have
      looked into rhoping the barrel and doesnt seem too tricky,or is there an alternative hop up bucking i could
      use instead? as far as the gearbox is concerned iam still a little weary of opening it up,maybe after ive spoken
      with a few more people at my local club,and know if i cant do it then someone can assist me...

      once again really appreciate the input and advice mate
      and its always taken on board...and any ideas on my other q's welcome



      • #4
        Re: advice on upgrades....

        How good is your gun shooting ???

        Not being funny, but a number of people don't set their existing stuff up properly and just think they HAVE to replace stuff or bolt on more expensive stuff straight away

        Clean barrel, dial in the hop decent bb ammo is first place to start. Put crap bb's in a mofo flat hop dirty tbb and you will get poor results anyway.

        Silicone oil 80% of the way down barrel but keep well away from bucking/hop or you will have to strip it all down and degrease with washing up liquid.

        Please note a tiny few drops on swab, squeezed out and using cleaning rod, then buff with a dry swab

        You do not pour a bottle of it down the barrel
        Just a tiny few drops and squeezed out is all you need, that stuff is liquid ice.

        Barrel clean, polished with dry swab, silky smooth zero drag etc...
        Dial in hop bit by bit, turn gun 90 degrees to check it is curving and hop is working if you like, back upright trying to get best range.
        Keep checking the spread or if she is hooking left/right

        That is roughly the way to setup your current setup

        See what you get and most important work with it

        If you got say 40-50m range accuracy then don't try to shoot at snipers 75m away..

        And the cleaning and tweaking of hop is very important, even different bb' as well as weights of course will need adjusting as some .20's are more polished or may have a slight seam. So find a decent brand and try to stick with them.
        Please also remember Tokyo Marui's may only hit 300fps but often wipe the floor with most guns hitting 350.

        If trying 0.25's seems a bit low there are some 0.23's
        But to be fair use a decent 0.20 for most short to mid range battles and you will be OK I reckon
        Last edited by Sitting Duck; 27 November, 2015, 14:19.


        • #5
          Re: advice on upgrades....

          hey mate,thanks for the response,i have pretty much done all the above,cleaned the barrel had a good play around
          with the hop up,and from the start used good quality bb's,iam still experimenting with weights,as my local is mainly
          open woodland so i've used .2 .23.25 and have some .28 on order g&G competitoin grade? i have orderd the madbull
          stainless and prowin hopup so will installing those some time next week,i dont expect a massive differance but any will
          make me happy until i have my ukara,and can upgrade my gun,the way i see it is i can always transfer these parts and will
          have spares too...when the time comes,plus changing these gets me more familiar in real life and not just youtube...
          thanks again your help




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