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Please help with my beloved AK EBB

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  • #16
    Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

    As Richardy says for the battery charging. I second his opinion, as that is the correct procedure. I even discharge/charge my lipos once every three months or so. As he says ALL batteries suffer from memory effect to a greater or lesser extent depending on how new the technology is.
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    • #17
      Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

      This is great stuff, should sticky this for other battery clueless people like myself. just one thing doesnt a lipo die if it drops below a certain voltage, or do you mean you discharge them to said voltage? Cuz im looking at going down the lipo route as space is an issue on all my aeg's. Then again if im having trouble with teh relatively simple normal batts i will burn my house down with lipo's.

      Foxtrot Oscar


      • #18
        Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

        Originally posted by jockjay View Post
        This is great stuff, should sticky this for other battery clueless people like myself. just one thing doesnt a lipo die if it drops below a certain voltage, or do you mean you discharge them to said voltage? Cuz im looking at going down the lipo route as space is an issue on all my aeg's. Then again if im having trouble with teh relatively simple normal batts i will burn my house down with lipo's.

        DO NOT discharge a lippo, unless you fancy a new one every time you go skirmishing. While using them when you hear a slight and I mean slight change in ROF do not pull the trigger. Change the battery.

        Added to that, you need a balance charger.
        Gun tech.

        AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!


        • #19
          Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

          yeah was looking into it, i need a fireproof bag in a fireproof box, a special charger and special tester/ monitor. etc.....
          Foxtrot Oscar


          • #20
            Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

            lol you just need either the imax b6 charger or thekong power all in one. With those two options on the market now for 60 quid and under, theres really no other need to any other charger.

            its the computer control, not only does it tell you what the current voltage is it will tell you what each cells voltage is too.

            For lipos they still need to be discharged every few months as jfox said. just to keep them on there toes. For this youll need the computer chargers, they have a special cycle setting, they will discharge and recharge the batterys in a safe fashion, at the touch of a button.

            they also have a connection break feature, which i love. So if it isnt connected at any point it will beep nice and loud.

            and balance every few months as well. Its different rules for airsofters since most lipos are rated for 2000 charges and lets face it we use them once a month.

            it would take 166 years to use up a lipo battery through normal airsoft use. So most precuations / things you need to do can be scaled back alot. Even 3 times a month is still 55 years of use...

            rc uses charge and use them up every 20 min... for days, more stricter adherense needed for them.

            You could run a lipo flat and potentially still charge it back up, ive seen it done many times.

            BUT obvisouly its good practice not too, the usual trick is like midas says when you see a noticable decline in rof it needs a charge.

            Bare in mind a noticable decline still means theres juice left in it. And you could push it longer.

            But its good practice, to give it a charge rather than pushing it.

            My imax has an in car charger, so i can simply plug it into the cars lighter socket sit it on the drivers seat and charge up at diner time without poping the bonnet.



            • #21
              Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

              You shouldn't have told him they need disscharging and you can use them for a while when they are nearly on the limit.

              Much better to be cautious and say stop using it.

              You can buy small circuit board alarms that will sound off when the lippo drops towards the danger point. Still better to have a spare and change it though. Particularly as you are new to the whole Airsoft thing...

              You don't have to listen to all the scare mongers and stories about lippo's. If you treat your things with respect, have a decent balance charger, mine has similar functions to the other top end chargers. They do everthing for you, including tell you the voltage as it charges. Still do not leave the batteries too far out of eye shot, just make sure you check on them regularly. If the battery is faulty they will not attempt charge the battery they show a fault and beep. They run a check sequence prior to charging.
              Gun tech.

              AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



              • #22
                Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                you can only hand hold so much, i give them the facts and let them figure out the rest.. you cant do any more than that.

                Ive made mistakes.. we all do.. but if they have all the info, they can figure it out in there own way.


                • #23
                  Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                  Hey im not new to airsoft....been playing 3 years he he.just never needed to fix anything, or gave a poo bout batterys at any point, just banged them on charge and they worked.....guess i gotta stop playing so nonchalantly and get technicated. hope thats a word.

                  Once again massive thanks! hope others get as much out of this thread as i did.
                  Foxtrot Oscar


                  • #24
                    Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                    hows the recoil on the ak74mn? Ever had any problems with it?

                    Its next on my parts making list once ive finished with the sopmod series, i was thinking about making the recoil bolt that pulls back and forth, but a new one out of a heavy steel. Maybe double the weight of it.

                    Dunno gotta finish the sopmod one first but its definatly on my things to do list.


                    • #25
                      Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                      recoils ok mate, to be honest it doesnt make much of a difference. Doesnt hold back on empty so you kinda cant hear the difference when you run out of ammo so u end up dry firing for 20 reps before yourealise nothings coming out haha.
                      Foxtrot Oscar


                      • #26
                        Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                        Ok guys, sorted. it was battery all along, tried a mates and its rattling away like the legend it is. big cheers for all the advice/help. learnt alot.
                        Foxtrot Oscar


                        • #27
                          Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                          Your old battery may still be salvageable. It could just be memory effect, so when you get a new charger/discharger, try a discharge/charge cycle.

                          Good chargers will give you the option to run this sequence a number of time consecutively. I do a 3 cycle discharge/charge on suspect batteries and I have recovered quite a few.

                          Also as said above YOU CAN discharge a Li Po. In fact it is recommended to do so every few month. Just make sure that your charge is capable of this function. The Imax B6 is. It will discharge to 3.0V then cut off. This will help the balance function on your next full charge.
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                          • #28
                            Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                            Originally posted by jockjay View Post
                            Ok guys, sorted. it was battery all along, tried a mates and its rattling away like the legend it is. big cheers for all the advice/help. learnt alot.
                            its hard being right all the time :P

                            glad its sorted i was hoping to get one of these at some point.


                            • #29
                              Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                              great bits of kit if you dont wana put after market parts on it.
                              Foxtrot Oscar


                              • #30
                                Re: Please help with my beloved AK EBB

                                Originally posted by jockjay View Post
                                Ok guys, sorted. it was battery all along, tried a mates and its rattling away like the legend it is. big cheers for all the advice/help. learnt alot.
                                If you only borrowed the battery...Did you see my earlier post about your charger NOT charging to the required output voltage.

                                Did you charge your borrowed battery? Or was it charged by your mate?

                                Sorry mate just trying to be helpfull.
                                Gun tech.

                                AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



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