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m14 ebr

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  • m14 ebr

    hey guys just wondering how do i lock a m14 ebr into single shot as i want to use as a sniper rifle and want to run 400fps but to do that i need to disable full auto into single shot only please help

  • #2
    Re: m14 ebr

    easiest way is set it too single only and usign an allen key remove the switch that you use to select single or full auto.

    second is to simple remove the plastic bar which is in a u shape around the back of the gearbox.

    use the first if you dont want to take anything apart, use the second if your going into the gearbox anyway.


    • #3
      Re: m14 ebr

      will it still fire if i remove the plactic bit ?? dont want the marshals saying you can still change it


      • #4
        Re: m14 ebr

        second option if you want it to be perminant.

        I suppose if you had a pair of pliers you could change the first one...

        A single only mosfet ssytem would be another option.


        • #5
          Re: m14 ebr

          thanks ive never atempted this i dont wanna mess up


          • #6
            Re: m14 ebr

            its not hard just time consuming on the ebr, about a million bolts, just separate them into piles or label where they come from and if you really want to becareful take photos every step of the way.


            theres a video there on taking apart the m14, yours obviously has the ras to take apart, just remember if something isnt coming off dont force it look for a bolt or screw.


            • #7
              Re: m14 ebr

              heres a picture of the part you need to remove


              • #8
                Re: m14 ebr

                awsome cheers matey


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                paulyboy Find out more about paulyboy