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Tappet Plate Issues?

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  • Tappet Plate Issues?

    Hi, sorry to post yet another P90 thread :P

    My stock TM tappet plate snapped a few months ago and I could only find the King Arms to replace it as I was doing a bulk order from a website I went for it.

    Now ever since I installed it, my P90 has been very badly misfeeding. It was perfect before (I use the box mag which feeds flawlessly compared to the high caps so I know it was fine before) however now it misfeeds after about 5 rounds are fired.

    I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue with the KA tappet plate or if I've just been a nonce when installing it or something. Everything moves as it should, albeit quite fast. Was considering a sector chip to get better movement from the tappet plate.

    Anyway, any advice would be appreciated
    Thanks guys
    TK Airsoft- Take one "from" the team

    Army Armament L85A1
    Tokyo Marui P90
    HFC M9 Special Forces
    KSC Glock 18c

  • #2
    Re: Tappet Plate Issues?

    i think i fit one on my p90 in a high rof setup at 30 rps, seemed to work fine for me...

    Theres always a chance youve got a dodgy part it can never be completely ruled out.

    The fact that you worked on the feed section of the gearbox and now you have feeding issues, is no conincidence though, id suggest yougo back in and take a look and just see if the tappet plate moves freely back and forth correctly.

    I once ordered a p90 kit, and got a version 2 spring guide and got constant spring locks.

    not my fualt at the time i assumed it was a version 6 spring guide.

    im just saying when the casings open you can move it back and see how far the tappet plate and nozzle retract place the hop unit over the end and see if it pulls back enough to feed a bb.

    if not, sector chip, but that doesnt increase the over all length it retracts just the time it retracts for.

    but its worth a go, i believe theres now a specific v6 sector chip nowadays.

    Or a diff tappet plate


    • #3
      Re: Tappet Plate Issues?

      All the "bendy wendy" stuff that they advertised with it was just a sales pitch, it was never really any good for high speed, and people have snapped them in basic setups. I didn't have much luck with feeding far past 40rps either, they just fail to return to shape in time and start to wear out real quickly.
      Guarder/Modify are your best bet if you want my advice, not sure if promy are doing V6 tappets yet, but i didnt have any luck with their V2/3s.
      Last edited by sj_asc; 19 June, 2010, 00:35.


      • #4
        Re: Tappet Plate Issues?

        Originally posted by sniperjesus View Post
        All the "bendy wendy" stuff that they advertised with it was just a sales pitch, it was never really any good for high speed, and people have snapped them in basic setups. I didn't have much luck with feeding far past 40rps either, they just fail to return to shape in time and start to wear out real quickly.
        Guarder/Modify are your best bet if you want my advice, not sure if promy are doing V6 tappets yet, but i didnt have any luck with their V2/3s.
        see i was going to ask if you had any luck with the promy plates.. then i kept reading hehe..

        Ill be honest id like to give them ago at some point what was the prob you had with them?

        There hard hop rubbers prity pants so they dont get it right all the time.

        guarders are a great price..


        • #5
          Re: Tappet Plate Issues?

          I had fitment issues (in a marui V3 shell), tappet spring was rubbing to the point where it was slowing slowing the tappet down throwing in feeding problmes where there really wernt welcome.
          I thought the Modify tappet was far better, you can see the difference in quality between the two. The materials seemed good, much like thier piston, but it just wasn't made to the same standard as many of their other parts.

          Last edited by sj_asc; 21 June, 2010, 16:43.


          • #6
            Re: Tappet Plate Issues?

            they both look pritty good, but you gotta take each gearbox on its own merits, and assume nothing, till it works... Obviously you slap it in a marui you expect win, so its supprising but ill make sure i remember that if i come accross a promy tappet plate.

            The problem is they make them in such large amounts that its gunna take 12.3 million years to sell through them all to get to a new batch.


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