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FPS fail

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  • #16
    Re: FPS fail

    I will just add to that.....

    You have Systema turbo motor that you won't use....But have bought an Element Max speed one to put

    Are they not clones with similar results?
    Gun tech.

    AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!


    • #17
      Re: FPS fail

      systema turbo pinion head always comes off they are rubbish..

      buy a guarder or promy pinion head and press it on to the post

      .. now bear in mind im tired and skipping over the most part..

      short stroking for a increased trigger response, but your fitting a stronger spring, to get the fps up, its the same result just a different way of getting there. i cant see it making the trigger response any better.

      a micro switch how ever fit behind the trigger and a mosfet with ab, would be a better project for enhanced trigger response with out switching to lipo.


      • #18
        Re: FPS fail

        Originally posted by midas View Post
        I will just add to that.....

        You have Systema turbo motor that you won't use....But have bought an Element Max speed one to put

        Are they not clones with similar results?
        If you read closely, i did say that i didn't want to test the systema on the stock gearbox. Further on i said i have an element max speed on the way. as i'm sending the rifle off to get it modded. I.E short stroked, AOE fixed and two wisdom teeth shaved. Aswell as some upgrade parts. So that'll enable me to use the higher speed motor.

        Short stroking and using a higher tention spring will bring the piston back quicker. So it will in theory increase trigger response. And also an infected airsoft mosfet will be installed.

        I have now decided however to use this project gun as an M4A1, and build a DMR from scratch.

        Or may take the easier route and buy a base rifle, then add the extras i want onto it.

        I know about the systema pinions being not too good. But when i rang FS to ask what pinion to get they said they didn't know if any other pinion would fit. So i went ahead and bought 2 just incase. But i'm hoping that won't be an issue as it's in another rifle which only fires semi and 3 round burst. So it doesn't see alot of rounds going through it.


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        HuntR Just another average gun whore Find out more about HuntR