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Mis-firing TM USP AEP

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  • Mis-firing TM USP AEP

    just put a fully charged 7.2v 200mah tm battery in my usp and half the time it doesnt fire on semi auto and on full it will fire a few but a few roll out the barell also, help?!

  • #2
    Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

    hmm... strange, i twisted the hop-up a tiny tiny bit and now it works fine :D mods please close


    • #3
      Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

      Probably just too much hop causing jamming!


      • #4
        Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

        hmm now it seems to double feed occasionally on semi, i wouldnt mind it but i have a game coming up at a site with only semi-auto and i dont wanna look like a cheater


        • #5
          Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

          Just call it double tap


          • #6
            Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

            Originally posted by jagillham View Post
            Just call it double tap
            lol, i just have speedy fingers :P


            • #7
              Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

              when that happened to my cyma g18 ,i got a new tm mag instead of cyma and it solved that problem .try different mags if you have more


              • #8
                Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

                gotta be the hop, turn the hop fully off and see if your still having issues. More info, age amount of rounds fired. Could be new hop rubber time, several companys make them.


                • #9
                  Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

                  Originally posted by richardy View Post
                  gotta be the hop, turn the hop fully off and see if your still having issues. More info, age amount of rounds fired. Could be new hop rubber time, several companys make them.
                  i think it will be ok and ill try turn it off next time i shoot it


                  • #10
                    Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

                    Ok, so now its mid-feeding, double feeding and at one point two bb's came out.. one went far left and one far right. ive adjusted the hop-up and wherever it is it will do something retarded so any other ideas?


                    • #11
                      Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

                      if the barrel is clean and the hop rubber in good condition and correctly aligned.

                      your gun would be shooting straight and far.

                      So if its not, you need to take the hop rubber out, clean the barrel, reseat the rubber and nub correctly and check the rubbers not overly worn or split.

                      its as simple as that.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

                        it seems to be shooting fine now, just the last few bb's wern't feed and some rolled out but the battery kinda was dead


                        • #13
                          Re: Mis-firing TM USP AEP

                          mags need to be keept clean to feed all the bbs. Dont put them away full either as youll loose spring tension over time.


                          About the Author


                          Ominous Slayer My name's Lee. My username used to be LeeBristolAirsoft. Find out more about Ominous Slayer