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hop rubber choice?

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  • hop rubber choice?

    ok I've have bought two madbull v2 6.03 barrels for my TM MC51 and G3 sg1 and wanted to know whether best to fit rubber or silicon hops and which ones? M friend has told me about sealing the hop rubbers with tape or nail varnish whats all that about? by the way both guns have the standard tm boxes in now not upgraded..thanks.
    Last edited by Yorkiebar; 21 June, 2010, 14:47.

  • #2
    Re: hop rubber choice?

    Sealing the rubber... Trying to figgure out what purpose that will serve. Basically, what he is saying is to seal the end of the hop rubber, i.e. the further end from the hop. In theory it will mean that air will not escape around the rubber, but go down the barrel. But the shape of the G3 hop should just keep it tight surely? Does this trick really have any effect? Only other pro I can see is that it may prevent the rubber falling off when you pull the hop off, but even then I'm skeptical.

    Any more learned imput would be interesting on this subject.

    As for which hop, I'd not bother swapping out the Marui hop. It's a fantastic bit of kit as is. It is probably worth chucking an H nub in there with it, and I have an Element V rubber in mine as well, but I do not think it is necessary, I got it thrown in with a purchase and used it happily ever after.

    But honestly, standard Marui hop setup is good, with an H-nub it is better.


    • #3
      Re: hop rubber choice?

      if air is leaking or theres an air loss issue then sure, grease or silicone sealant can be used. Depends on what its chronoing at..


      • #4
        Re: hop rubber choice?

        Ok my m8 has given me this info on sealing the hop he got it from this site
        you use Teflon tape to seal the hop better and it gives up to 10% more FPS(apparently)
        anyway see what you think you can also put some on the nozzle. thanks for the replies also.


        • #5
          Re: hop rubber choice?

          Im not a fan of ptf on the nozzle i cant imagine it staying there very long, youd be better building it up, witha harder substance one layer at a time if it really was a nozzle sealing issue.

          Ptf on the hop yes works but can cuase fitting issues in some hop units.

          Your better off using the thick grease method, or silicon sealent.

          Like i say if your guns firing at 330 fps, your limits 330 fps.. theres no point trying to get an extra 10%..

          How ever if you own an aep .. silcone sealent should be your first port of call.


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          Yorkiebar Find out more about Yorkiebar