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ICS M4 Tappet keeps breaking!?

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  • #16
    Re: ICS M4 Tappet keeps breaking!?

    all i can say is trial and error as i never knew about these till you told me and the went through youtube lol


    • #17
      Re: ICS M4 Tappet keeps breaking!?

      Ok - Big thanks to guard-sniper87, paulyboy & The Keeper of Secrets (Super Mod) for your comments.


      • #18
        Re: ICS M4 Tappet keeps breaking!?

        I find it odd that these issues are coming back in this day and age, ICS used to be renowned for terrible tappet plates and it all went quiet for a while.
        Guarder or Modify are your best bet, those will be fine for high ROF setups wether your using a tappet delayer or an enhanced tappet spring or not.

        Danny's dual sector is fantastic, Ive been running them for over a year now (profile) and i can tell you now that its not a drop in, you really have to throw lots of trail and error, and you will still eat tappets and pistons regardless of how well its setup. Modify are going to make it more mainstream and "drop in" in the near future. Steel tappet plates will only make the problem worse. While i have got it running well, i would not recommend it for practicality.

        The base single sector design still has lots of potential, and you can create setups in the high 40's RPS with a much larger stroke, there are far more pistons out there that will last far longer and are a lot more practical, believe me.

        Just stick in a new tappet, set the piston up correctly, match the correct spring rate and be done with that, it will last you a lot longer.


        • #19
          Re: ICS M4 Tappet keeps breaking!?

          Cheers Sniper-J. With shouts about many different Brands throughout the thread (ICS, TM, Modify and Guarder etc.) How about a Pole with what the people thing the most reliable Tappet plates are? :-)


          • #20
            Re: ICS M4 Tappet keeps breaking!?

            you set it up ill vote

            chuck in a guarder/tm option aswell rather than 1 or the other


            • #21
              Re: ICS M4 Tappet keeps breaking!?

              Originally posted by paulyboy View Post
              makes you wish there was a steel tappet plate lol
              No. Steel tappet plate is as bad and idea as a steel/metal piston. In the enet of a problem, it will survive and instead something more valuble (gearset/motor) will go. I'd rather replace a tappet plate or piston than fork out for a new gearset and spend ages picking little bits of metal out of my gearbox.


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