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CA249 help.

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  • CA249 help.

    Okay, here's the deal. My brother is a long distance driver and he visited tonight and is staying over.

    Anyway while I was messing with tbe barbecue he decided he wanted to shoot my 249. He asked if he could shoot it so I said yes. I have a range set up in the garden.

    Anyway without waiting for me to set it up for him (he isn't an airsoft skirmisher), and I keep batteries out of my guns when not skirmishing, he put a battery in went to the range area and fired a Hi Cap mag off. Suddenly the gun gave off a very sick sound and although the bb's were still coming out they were literally falling out.

    As soon as he started firing I knew there was going to be trouble because of the insane rof fire I heard, (I knew straight away what battery he had put in there). So hurried over to try to stop him, alas too late.

    What he had done was stuck in one of my 11.1V Li Po's. it took approximately 3 seconds to empty the mag to the point this sound started.

    Now I know the CA has a decent rate of fire on a standard 8.4V Nimh, so you can imagine the ROF of the Li Po.

    Not having seen the inside of a CA 249 what are the components made of? What does it sound like he has done to it? The bb's are still coming out but they are literally dropping out of the end, this is puzzling me.

    If he had stripped the gears I would have though I wouldn't get any bb's at all. But the sound of the gun sounds like something has broken in the gearbox. Any ides waht that could be.

    Any help with this would be appreciated. I would rather try to fix it myself, if possible than pay a gn doctor an exhorbitant amount, for what may well be an easy fix.

    As I say it is still shooting but only just, and the gearbox sounds poorly but is still sort of working. Broken gear teeth maybe?
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  • #2
    Re: CA249 help.

    Could have ripped the piston apart. Still possible to feed bb's but obviously at a super low velocity. Or even perhaps broken the piston head


    • #3
      Re: CA249 help.

      Anyone taken one down or got a link without me having to google and spend hrs on searching?

      Yeah I would say it isn't misfeeding as all the bbs are firing but the gearbox sounds very weird when firing, and the fps is probably about 35 fps litery dropping about 3ft from the gun.

      It doesn't sound like there is anything loose and rattling around inside, but it does sound a litle like a blown car engine would sound, very rough
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      • #4
        Re: CA249 help.

        yeah sounds like the gears are still loading the tappet plate, but the pistons not being pulled back and forth...

        i had a similar issue of over voltage on an m249, think it was the ares, either way the one with the plastic gearbox, the 12v battery had broken the runner off the gearbox, meaning the piston was slightly off center and the gears couldnt pick it up when they came round. Only took a second.

        you just gotta dive in bud, and see whats up

        heres a link to a take down


        • #5
          Re: CA249 help.

          same problem, the piston back tooth had broken, so wasnt being pulled back, made a horrible noise, if you put in a lonex piston though they can handle the for one a 11.1 lipo
          PM me if you're looking for S-ARMS M4 mags


          • #6
            Re: CA249 help.

            Thanks for that guys wil take a look at that link. As for the 11.1V I am not that interested in loading an 11.1V into it. It was as I said my stupid bro's impatience. It already had a nice rof on an 8.4 and i may increase that to a 9.6.

            In my opinion you don't need insane rof on guns anyway. I may still stick in a lonex piston though as a way of future proofing the reliability., so thanks for that advice too.
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            About the Author


            jfox61 Little fat ex soldier bloke who needs to get fit again so pretending to be a soldier again Find out more about jfox61