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suitable wires for AEG batteries

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  • suitable wires for AEG batteries

    Hey all,

    Im gonna be performing the box mag battery conversion for my M249 para, and before I start I was wondering what thickness of wire to use, as the guide Im reading doesnt actually say. From the pictures Id say it looks roughly like 2mm flex, that seems a little thick to me, but Im not sure, and I dont wanna run the risk of burning out my wiring!

  • #2
    Re: suitable wires for AEG batteries

    use 14g wire mate,

    any local RC shop will stock it , and very cheap


    • #3
      Re: suitable wires for AEG batteries

      Or you can get it from a store called Clas Ohlson, £3.99 for about 10mtrs
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      • #4
        Re: suitable wires for AEG batteries

        Originally posted by guard-sniper87 View Post
        use 14g wire mate,

        any local RC shop will stock it , and very cheap

        14g? not familiar with that measurement, only wires Ive worked with have all been measured in square mm


        • #5
          Re: suitable wires for AEG batteries

          AWG stands for American Wire Guage.

          16 awg = 1.31 mm2
          14 awg = 2.08 mm2

          In aeg's people generally use 16 awg, unless you have plenty of room then go for the bigger 14 awg. As they say....every little helps...Don't forget Deans connectors to complete the wiring.

          Awg also determins the size of body piercing jewelry....Bit of usless info for the afternoon....
          Gun tech.

          AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!


          • #6
            Re: suitable wires for AEG batteries

            I still prefer 18awg, just try and get nice quality stuff with a high core content. The size being smaller can sometimes be a real benefit when wiring up a gun with tight spaces..


            • #7
              Re: suitable wires for AEG batteries

              Ah right! Cheers for the help! Just picked up a nice reel of 2mm flex, that ought to do the trick! I was unsure what kind of current these battery packs can give out. Im gonna be putting an 8.4v 3300mAh battery in it, nwo according to a certain retailer site this has a discharge capacity of 35A? Surely thats not right, how can a 3300mAh produce 35A?

              I still havent got my head round batteries yet!


              • #8
                Re: suitable wires for AEG batteries

                lots over estimate there rating and also theres burst and continuous, you might find it has the potential to peak at 35amps should there be enough draw for it from the gun. Maybe a jamed gearbox and continuous pulling of the trigger could see it peak.. thats why some bright spark invented fuses

                Youll find it wont draw much over 18 amps during full auto, and not much more on singles. Hi current motors like the systemas will draw more.

                Proper gearbox shiming etc can help reduce the draw needed from the gearbox.


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                Tiercel Find out more about Tiercel