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Wiring/electrical help needed...

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  • Wiring/electrical help needed...

    OK, so after a review of the battery and wiring situation in my AEGs, I've realised it is all in a sorry state of repair.

    What is bothering me most.. is the little slices and tears I'm finding in a lot of my wiring. Some of it is in the middle of the wires, some is right at the point where the wires meet the battery.

    What PERMANENT, reliable fixes can I do to the wiring to cover up the tears - I've seen first hand the danger of short circuits that have arisen as a result of such tears!

    There must be something safer and more permanent that just wrapping it in electrical tape, that never fills me with confidence.

    Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name

  • #2
    Re: Wiring/electrical help needed...

    if you can take the connector of the end of the wires at all then you could possibly use a piece of heat shrink tubing which is flexible and looks pretty neat.

    hope this helps


    • #3
      Re: Wiring/electrical help needed...

      The proper perm fix would be to replace the wire with some nice new silicon covered 14, 16 or 18awg wire. Or the much cheaper as Ashers suggests....shrink tube....
      Gun tech.

      AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!


      • #4
        Re: Wiring/electrical help needed...

        as above, the only thing for it is to change it tbh, putting heat shrink or electrical tape (although its what i usually do) is only covering up the problem, not sorting it out.


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        TS_Welshy Find out more about TS_Welshy