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ideas wanted

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  • ideas wanted

    basically i have an ics mp5 sd5 and not long ago i had ago at my own HUTU (hop up tracer unit) which went very successfully, however now i want to do something else, i have wondered about installing high power LED's into the front of my silencer to create a "hidden" torch but also i want to see if you guys have any ideas, so if you do please shout it out.
    I am up for doing anything as long as it doesn't involve hacking my gun into parts.

    Cheers Jamie

    Edit: Just realised i should have posted this in the general and ideas, sorry

    Linky here>>

  • #2
    Re: ideas wanted

    Why didnt the led in the hop unit not work.. bright blue or bright white should work. then wire it into the wiring closest to the hop unit, pritty close on an mp5...

    remember to do it before the hop rubber section, feed tubes best or at the top near the joint, youll need to mount the led so its flush with the hop unit after drilling the hole. dont hang it in there or anything, arydite should work for this part. The tracer rounds only need to be breifly illuminted to hold a charge. If you use bright white it should be enough, bog standard led wont cut it in my opinion...

    just checking but you did use tracer rounds right ? :P


    • #3
      Re: ideas wanted

      I think somebody needs to go bed, lol. The OP says it DID work :D

      Originally posted by Crude Skinny B View Post
      ....which went very successfully...
      As for more ideas, the torch in the silencer is a pretty decent start.

      If you really want a challenge, get some plans from the web and have a go at making your own MOSFET


      • #4
        Re: ideas wanted

        my bad you said it did work, should of paid more attention..

        hidden torch eh, cough surefire cough solarforce cough theres even an sd6 mount floating around for sale somewhere..

        you get a certian kind of beam from the police / military style torches, we used to play on a golf course at night and the long range very direct style created by these torches just wont be the same from the 5 meter illumination you might get from some leds..

        however if you want to mate, go for it, ive still got a home made night vision project in a box waiting to be finished that someone said was a silly idea.. but it worked :P i wouldnt use it in the field but hey .. it wasted some time and thats whats important.


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        Crude Skinny B Find out more about Crude Skinny B