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Odd tm p90 problem

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  • Odd tm p90 problem

    hi there, today i was replacing a mates tappet plate in his tm p90 as the stock one had broken, and after following a guide on the internet unscrewed the motor adjustment grub screw, which i didnt want to touch as i only wanted to replace the tappet. Now when put together, if you pull the trigger the spring cocks about 90% but it does not cock that last tiny bit, after cocking 90% it just clicks when you pull the trigger afterwards. The motor spins freely when detached from the gears, and the gears can be turned by hand (with a fair amount of effort :D ) and fire the spring fine, i am pretty sure the problem is with the motor height but cant seem to find anywhere that says what it should be set at.
    Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"

  • #2
    Re: Odd tm p90 problem

    It is the motor height. Your motor is set to tight (too far in). Ignoring the massive innuendo for a moment, you need to loosen the screw to draw it out. There's not really a set point, it's about listeneing to when the gearbox emits the most healthy noise. High pitched shrieking indicates too far out, whereas locking up or slow grinding is too far in.

    Now, back to the innuendo. Fnarr!


    • #3
      Re: Odd tm p90 problem

      haha loving the innuendo there had another go at it and after the problem getting worse and worse i went and tried it on my working mp5 and the battery was out of juice, would a low battery cause this kind of problem?
      Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


      • #4
        Re: Odd tm p90 problem

        That would have been the first thing anyone would have though of if you hadn't mentioned the motor height. Yes, a low battery would be stop the gun from working...
        I feel stupid just saying that. :P
        Tanaka M700 RealSword SVD TM VSR
        I want your broken Tanaka shotguns!


        • #5
          Re: Odd tm p90 problem

          sorry, it must sound REALLY stupid, but when the problem started the battery was cycling my mp5 on full auto, but not the p90 which has a lower power spring in it. it was the first thing i checked :D
          thanks for the input, heres hoping that it was the battery haha
          Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


          • #6
            Re: Odd tm p90 problem

            Yeah that's because

            The is built more slim and if the motor height is wrong it will take more juice from the battery as trying to set I up

            Where as the fully set up mp5 fires normal compared to the p90 in setting up mode


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            balaclava ben Lean, mean shooting machine Find out more about balaclava ben