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Mid cap james all the time

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  • Mid cap james all the time

    i have some mp5 mid caps from CA and ive had them for about 3 months now and they have all started jamming and the bbs rattle inside and none come out when pressing the release on the top

    could this be due to them needing some lubrication as they were working fine before.


  • #2
    Re: Mid cap james all the time

    I experienced this a while back but it was due to me "overloading" the mag so the bb's were getting jammed side by side.
    But like you say it probably just needs a clean, you should be able to remove the entire spring through the bottom.
    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    In soviet russia,
    Poem reads you!


    • #3
      Re: Mid cap james all the time

      i dont know how to remove the spring seems to all he interlocking metal


      • #4
        Re: Mid cap james all the time

        dont hold me to this but i think the mp5 mags have a plate you "pry" off the bottom which is why there are indents around the bottom.
        Im sure someone who knows first hand will let you know.
        Roses are red,
        Violets are blue,
        In soviet russia,
        Poem reads you!


        • #5
          Get a couple of pics up if you can.


          • #6
            Re: Mid cap james all the time

            ok i found how to take them apart there was a pin at the top which slid out and then everything came out but ive wiped all around but they still jam do i need to lubricate them with some silicon oil? its just funny that all 6 start jamming at the same time and they were all bought at the same time and used about the same time each and then they all jam lol.


            • #7
              Re: Mid cap james all the time

              Midcaps do jam often. I've given up on mine.

              Seeing as the cleaning didn't work, there's some other things you can try. Make sure the inner runners of the mag are smooth. Get rid of any flashing, and fill any nasty dents that might cause the BBs to jam.

              Replace the spring, and wedge some BB's up behind it. This will give the spring some extra push at the expense of capacity. Usually helps on old mags where the spring's loosing some power.

              Wrap the innards of the mag tightly with tap before reinserting into the shell. This should stop the mag halves pushing apart in the middle. Might be better to wedge the innards into the shell tighter around the middle. If the 2 parts push apart slightly, the BB's can stack literally side by side, and the spring won't be able to move them. This is exacerbated by little dents or flashing left on the rails.

              Sometimes the feed lips themselves can be inadequately designed. So even when inserted they don't move far enough for the BB to feed. This can be easily fixed by cutting the lip to a different angle with a Stanley knife. But I doubt that's the problem here. M4 mags don't really struggle with this. With these mags it's just a case of make sure they fit snug in the magwell by putting some Velcro on the back of the inside of the magwell. But that doesn't sound like it's a problem for you anyway, and you probably knew that already.

              You shouldn't lube the innards of your magazines. Lube collects dust and will stick to the BB, affecting the performance. The silicone itself could cause the hop to do silly things. Generally a bad idea. I'd make an exception for P90 highcaps. They seem to need it in the gear mechanism.
              Tanaka M700 RealSword SVD TM VSR
              I want your broken Tanaka shotguns!


              • #8
                Re: Mid cap james all the time

                ive heard that silicon wont do anything to the hop up after a few rounds have been put through the spring seems fine there only 3 months old


                • #9
                  Re: Mid cap james all the time

                  my cyma g18c mags jam as well where they go into sing file from the double stack what shall i do i have no mags atm as they all jam just my luck


                  • #10
                    Re: Mid cap james all the time

                    i really need these to start working any more ideas


                    • #11
                      Re: Mid cap james all the time

                      Like I said, I ditched my midcaps. Went to TM lows. I've never even heard of a feeding problem with a TM lowcap. Midcaps are inherently flawed if you ask me. Great idea on paper, but making a good reliable one seems to be more work than most airsoft manufacturers can cope with.

                      With the AEP, just giving it a good clean should work. If it doesn't, check for flashing again. I wouldn't think TM mags are necessary for good feeding. The CYMA mags should be fine if they're clean.

                      I think silicone takes about 1000rds to work it's way through a P90 highcap. That's more ammo than I use in a month, but then again, it's hardly anything for some people. And seeing as you're using a midcap, and probably wont use as much silicone, you might get away with 3-400rds and it'll be fine. Or maybe less. I don't think it's going to cure any problem though.

                      As for, "i really need these to start working any more ideas":
                      1) Punctuation
                      2) Don't bump your tech thread. People will answer the question if they were going to first time, or just get annoyed because you've bumped a thread that's only 2 hours old when they weren't interested in the first place. Or if they're like me, and come back online after you've bumped without being online for the original post, you're just spamming basically, and it makes me spam you back with this sort of long post.
                      3) Try what I've mentioned, because it doesn't sound like you have. You clearly want an easy fix, and there isn't really one. That's why I went to lowcaps. I'm guessing from the fact you got a CYMA AEP that you're on a budget though, so switching to lows might be too expensive. Not to mention, you'll probably want as much ammo as is easy to carry. So...
                      4) Switch to highcaps?

                      I'll leave you to it now. Other people will probably be more positive about midcaps than I am, but I somewhat doubt their optimism will get you nicely reliable mags.

                      Good luck.
                      Tanaka M700 RealSword SVD TM VSR
                      I want your broken Tanaka shotguns!


                      • #12
                        Re: Mid cap james all the time

                        thanks i would edit my posts but cant seem to i hate high caps its too much ammo and unrealistic
                        can you get metal low caps that fit ics?


                        • #13
                          Re: Mid cap james all the time

                          TM standard mags.
                          Tanaka M700 RealSword SVD TM VSR
                          I want your broken Tanaka shotguns!


                          • #14
                            Re: Mid cap james all the time

                            Take the springs out and give then a slight stretch, don't go mad and over do it. It sounds like they have all compressed at the same time.

                            The other thing to look at is the BB's you are using, have you changed brands, is the brand you are using shiny? have you tried other brands to see if they work.


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