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JG Electrostatic Fuse?

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  • JG Electrostatic Fuse?

    Hi guys, anyone heard of this or used on in an AEG? On HK website. Think of another name for big hill.

    It's basically like a 7.5A car fuse (or a fuse for a Pro Peak charger)...

    Does anyone know anything about it, its function?

    I assume you'd just solder the wires on (which way?) but would this be a better fuse to use than normal? Furthermore, if you soldered two wires on, where would the other wires go (ie 2 wires from gbox but what about the battery?)


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  • #2
    Re: JG Electrostatic Fuse?

    that just looks like a normal anti-surge fuse to go in the fused mosfets, ESF's are normally surface mount to stop ESD and seen in top end mosfets, the one above you can just buy a adapter from a high street electronics shop to plug it in, and is better than the bullet type as less chance for loose connections, would replace ur normal one or go in-line with it


    • #3
      Same as above. My mosfetted m4 had one of those sticking out of the MOSFET


      • #4
        Re: JG Electrostatic Fuse?

        I'll pass on this one then! Thanks guys.

        Please get in touch if you want general help. Please report problematic posts.

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        Gaffa Nicknamed "Gaffa" because I can be bossy, but get the job done! I'm built for comfort, not speed... Find out more about Gaffa