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G&P Sec Ops rail removal

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  • G&P Sec Ops rail removal

    Hi all

    I wonder is someone can help.

    I want to change the outer barrel of my Spec Ops and to do that I need to remove the rail.

    I'm not sure how to go about removing the rail. I'm guessing that you unscrew the large nut over the delta ring which will then allow access to the where the rail system connects to the receiver. However before I do any thing too radical I'd appreciate some guidance.

    Many thanks

  • #2
    Re: G&P Sec Ops rail removal

    I think I have the Special operations one. 9 or 10 inch ris yeah?

    Any way yeah the large knurled nut is the one to undo.
    If you hold the gun upright in front of you with the barrel pointing up, you need to undo the big nut buy twisting it to the left. I dont know if this is cw or ccw, it all depend where you are looking from.
    If you cant do this by sheer strength, then you will have to use a large pair of grips, but please use a cloth or something to protect the metal, it looks so much better with out grips marks on it! continue to undo the nut, it will be easy now, but also pull up slightly on the ris, it will be easier.

    Once off there will be the delta ring of sorts. a big round metal ring with 12 or 16 or so holes around the edge. there are two pegs you need to remove, these help the ris stay on with out turning around if you were to replace the ris.

    This is now the hard bit. you cant use the grips to remove the delta ring because it will ruin the threads. what you need is a proper delta ring removal tool which has a c shaped spanner with three pegs sticking out. this locates
    in the holes on the delta ring and volia you can remove it. Remember now tho that to undo you need to turn it to the right, if you still have the gun in the same position as when you removed the ris.

    If you dont have a spanner then you have to improvise. maybe try putting the pegs back in and use a sturdy screw driver and use the pegs as leverage.
    Needless to say you should do this at your own risk, you risk damaging the gun if you slip or even worse stabbing yourself!

    I you havent already done it since you posted, i will be removing the same ris from my Spec op and putting a DD rail on in the next week or so, so feel free to ask me any more questions.


    • #3
      Re: G&P Sec Ops rail removal

      Thanks Jimbobcress for your help, you've confirmed what I thought.

      The rail is a short rail about 7" I think. I already have a delta ring removal tool so no fear there, I just need to go and buy some big grips.

      Thanks very much for your help.


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      matthewsmith Find out more about matthewsmith