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Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

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  • Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

    Hello learned friends

    I am planning to install a tightbore in my aeg, to increase accuracy. I often operate using a Tracer (Supressor) Unit, and I am wondering whether this will (negatively) affect the performance of the trajectory in any way.

    Here's my logic. As the diameter of the tracer unit is a standard size, ie wider than the tightbore barrel, I am concerned that there will be 'bounce' within the tracer unit, after the bb exits inner barrel.

    If this were the case, it would effectively make the TB upgrade a waste of time and money.

    As a related, secondary question, if this were the case, does anyone have any experience of tracer hop-up units? Are they equal/better/worse than *insert well well known brand here* units?

    I would be grateful for any views or experience on this.


  • #2
    Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

    As far as the TB and tracer unit is concerned, it's no different to any other silencer fit.

    If the gun is pretty well stationary when you pull the trigget then there should be no bounce, as the BB will pass through the silencer at roughly 1/3rd the speed of sound!

    On the other hand, it you're panning the gun to follow someone who's running past you, or you're firing as you run (for example) it's not unknown for the end of the silencer to get slightly in the line of the BB between it leaving the end of the barrel and clearing the silencer. The inside end of my MP5 SD silencer is a mess of white BB strikes from this and it was ages before anyone could explain why it happens.

    Barrel movement, simples.

    I'll leave the quality of the tracer units to people with experience.


    • #3
      Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

      As Robin says, it's dependent on the through-bore of your tracer unit/suppressor.
      e.g. The suppressor on my TM MP5 SD6 has a 9mm through-bore. That gives about 1.5mm clearance all-round the BB.

      Assuming the "free-flight" inside is 3 inches long (0.25 feet) and fps = 300:

      Flight time in suppressor is 0.25/300 = 0.83ms

      So if I moved the muzzle 1.5mm or more in 0.83ms, I'd hit the inside of the suppressor.
      That works out around 1.8 metres per second.


      • #4
        Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

        an alternative option is to install a longer TB than your current inner barrell length so that it runs to the end of your suppressor, that way you eliminate the potential problem.


        • #5
          Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

          then the tracer wouldnt work


          • #6
            Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

            Originally posted by edwa2 View Post
            then the tracer wouldnt work
            i thought exactly the same thing

            A silencer tracer unit has the LEDs inside, a longer barrel would block the all important light!!

            Unless you can get see through TBs i s'pose
            Originally posted by Bluegill
            5 years Backyard Skirmishing...

            I hope that's not an airsoft euphemism


            • #7
              Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

              omg that is such a good invention u should copywright it

              but yh i dont think it would work


              • #8
                Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

                sorry guys, you're right, i should pay more attention to what i am reading, somehow all i saw was suppressor...i swear i was sober...hic


                • #9
                  Re: Tight Bore + Tracer Supressor Question

                  Originally posted by oneshot187 View Post
                  i thought exactly the same thing

                  A silencer tracer unit has the LEDs inside, a longer barrel would block the all important light!!

                  Unless you can get see through TBs i s'pose
                  That's why I was asking about tracer hop-up units as well, although I probably should have done that in a separate thread.

                  If the hop-up tracers are any good, I can either swap out the standard size TB, or fit a longer one inside a non-tracer supressor (I know there is debate about whether a longer TB increases accuracy, I'm just in it for the looks ), but still have my tracer effect.

                  Thanks for all your comments so far guys...


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