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Cleaning barrel residue?

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  • Cleaning barrel residue?

    I have so residue in my barrel that doesnt want to budge with normall cleaning rod and silicone oil. I was wondering, would it be ok to soak it in warm water for a while, to try and loosen it up. Its a madbull 6.03 barrel, i would dry it straight after aswell.

  • #2
    Re: Cleaning barrel residue?

    would love some feedback as i need it clean soon, thanks


    • #3
      Re: Cleaning barrel residue?

      You really love starting threads eh?

      What sort of cleaning rod are you using?

      Originally posted by Lonewolf873
      Mods can you please edit the title to shirt as I'm sure 5.11 don't sell shits.


      • #4
        Re: Cleaning barrel residue?

        LOVE IT, sorry, im just sorting my gun out and giving it a good servicing so have many many questions and queries. Umm im using a normal cleaning rod...... Used jaycloth, tissue paper, old t-shirt, one of those rags you use to clean glasses (eyesight), the stuffs still there.


        • #5
          Re: Cleaning barrel residue?

          Are you sure it's not just discolouration? Madbull barrels have that on their insides... Something to do with different densities or similar according to Madbull themselves.
          Others till I die


          • #6
            Re: Cleaning barrel residue?

            ^ as above, also the earlier ones suffered from the coating flaking off inside the barrel. It's possibly that. I believe that was the V1 barrels.
            I've also had rust and other such flakes of metal turn to rust in badly kept barrels before. That stuff welds itself in too.

            I've had luck resolving SOME excessive barrel soiling (and you do this at your own risk) by putting a cleaning rod into the chuck of a drill, large-ish cut of jay-cloth (enough to fill the barrel pretty darn well and touch the sides at all times), and metal polish (I used auto-sol) and run it up and down the barrel.
            This COULD resolve it, and has for me once or twice for particularly ingrained dirt, but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have a replacement readily available. It's kind of a last ditch thing if the barrel is really soiled.

            Probably not advisable on a madbull due to the teflon coating though.

            Problem is without knowing what this "residue" is, it's hard to say. It could even just be the way light travels down the barrel..


            • #7
              Re: Cleaning barrel residue?

              ok, so what is the teflon coating? And will this come off if i clean it too much? :P And the residue, when you look down the end of a barrel, if you look just to the side of it at your end of the barrel, its just not shiny, its some sort of...........stuff, but i dont know whether this is just the teflon coating coming off or what.


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              laurence Find out more about laurence