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Silent piston mod

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  • Silent piston mod

    Okay so I may be herping and derping all over the place with this idea ... BUT

    rather than spending £££ on a silent piston head ... couldn't you just add a thin foam ring on the end of the piston? To stop it smacking against the end of the piston, where it makes the noise?

    (the same way as people put foam at the back of mac11's to speed up the ROF and to make it a bit quieter)

    ... so opinions on this idea?

    I am aware there would be a drop in fps, but surely with lessened impacts it would improve the life of your gearbox amirite?

    anyway this is just a thought don't know if anyone has tried it and I don't know if I will.

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  • #2
    Re: Silent piston mod

    Guess you not heard of the Sorbo pad then?!


    • #3
      Re: Silent piston mod

      Haha yeah, this is exactly what sorbo does. Put it on your cylinder head and use it to correct AOE but it also has this effect.


      • #4
        Re: Silent piston mod

        Originally posted by Robin-Hood View Post
        Haha yeah, this is exactly what sorbo does. Put it on your cylinder head and use it to correct AOE but it also has this effect.
        Thank you both.

        so then why would people pay £100 for a silent piston then?

        also ... what are these sorbo things then? can one make one cheapy cheap?

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        • #5
          Re: Silent piston mod

          element silent piston heads are only £10...... not exactly expensive, but yes, sorbo pads are your guys.


          • #6
            Re: Silent piston mod

            Sorbothane Pads and or Airbrakes are the most effective method at muzzle report, the motor is the other issue.
            The common "silent" head sets are just replicas of Systemas set which wasnt very good anyway.


            • #7
              Re: Silent piston mod

              Lee precision engineering Airbrake piston head.. very good

              TM 226r, SYSTEMA PTW, Custom built m4, DE shotty, what else would a man need ?


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