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  • #16
    Re: lipos

    No, i dont think they would be totally dead as they might just not have enough juice to cycle the gun but still have some charge. Anyway, They dont get through lipos and hes a pretty good tech and the fact that they have been doing it for 2 years sort of says that its not bad, they use lipos in their rental guns aswell i believe so i cant see an issue with it. (I am talking about 7.4's, with 11.1's its different), but if you want to be safe humphriesryan, just use a lipo alarm, but make sure that when you disconnect your battery from your gun, diconnect the alarm as it is still drawing current so if you leave it overnight with the alarm on, it can damage your battery.


    • #17
      Re: lipos

      Originally posted by laurence View Post
      No, i dont think they would be totally dead as they might just not have enough juice to cycle the gun but still have some charge.
      The point he's trying to make is that "dead" means the battery won't work any more, and can't be recharged, if you discharge it beyond a certain point. That point is long before the battery would be "flat".


      • #18
        Re: lipos

        Yes, thanks No1, but yes, it would be "flat" before it dies But thats with 7.4v lipos.


        • #19
          Re: lipos

          No. "Flat" means no power left in it. LiPos will be irreparably damaged long before they had no power left.


          • #20
            Re: lipos

            ascu can u get them cheaper than 100


            • #21
              Re: lipos

              I've been using 7.4 lipo's in my guns this year,no mosfet and no annoying alarm..alarms tended to give a false alarm when fired,you do notice a power drop-off anyway,buy a lipo charge tester(£5.oo) rather than an alarm.
              As for the trigger contacts a can of contact cleaner from Maplins(£5.oo)sorts that out.
              Mosfets are very good but not totaly necessary.
              Buy 2 lower MaH lipos rather than 1 big MaH lipo and change over at dinner time..and look after them,balance,etc...


              • #22
                Re: lipos

                yeah no doubt that lipos will set of the alarm every second when they are under load, its that the battery will drop in current when its underload therefore setting off the alarm..

                really you should be testing every chance you get.

                i believe that you can get a aws raptor or something along those lines for about £80
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                • #23
                  Re: lipos

                  As a long term lipo user...

                  Lipo is simply a better technology, requiring no upgrades at all on its own. The equilvant lipo is EXACTLY like the normal nihm to your weapon in terms of wear.

                  Just like Nihm, if you want to push things to big mah and volatage, then you will need to upgrade.


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