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SRC G36C, upgrades.?

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  • SRC G36C, upgrades.?

    Hi folks.

    I've bought a new SRC G36C (AEG) and just wondered what upgrades are available if any.

    Can it be made more powerful.

    Any info is appreciated.


  • #2
    Re: SRC G36C, upgrades.?

    how about you do some research on google, then come to us with what you want to achieve, there are hundreds of upgrades out there.

    have you been inside a gearbox before?

    Linky here>>


    • #3
      Re: SRC G36C, upgrades.?

      Originally posted by Crude Skinny B View Post
      how about you do some research on google, then come to us with what you want to achieve, there are hundreds of upgrades out there.

      have you been inside a gearbox before?
      This is my first airsoft rifle, I haven't taken anything apart.

      I've been searching on this site and others but I dont know whats compatable with this rifle or where to look.

      Upgrades for SRC SR36C doesnt pull up anything usefull on google. When refering to upgrades i dont mean scopes/lazers etc.. i am refering to internal parts that my make the rifle more efficient, reliable and accurate.

      So far i can hit a target on single fire from 25m without any problem.. same target full auto from 10m, 25m etc bb's go all over the place. Chances are this is normal but when the rifle is in a fixed position (in doors) to prevent sway etc i would have expected very similar accuracy given that recoil doest exist.

      I would also like help with maintenance, i dont know what should recieve lube, adjustment after each use.


      • #4
        Re: SRC G36C, upgrades.?

        ok, will first i would say have a quick look at my site, I'm still adding to it so there is quite a bit missing, but greasings there, cylinder compression etc.

        well for site use for full auto it will be 350fps max (340 fps to be safe)

        To address the hop up and barrel which will increase accuracy, i would go for a guarder clear hop rubber and a madbull tight-bore barrel, fitted correctly this will increase your accuracy, there are other barrels out there, pdi, promy barrels etc, depends on how much you want to spend, but a madbull one should be fine

        For the gearbox internals, accuracy means that you do not need to touch any thing inside the gearbox really, however if you want to get more consistent fps and range i would:

        I would suggest a re-shim
        cylinder compression test and fixes

        Linky here>>


        • #5
          Re: SRC G36C, upgrades.?

          Funily enough TKOS Spen alot of time on an Upgrading Thread it is Stickied at the top of the Tech Help Boards.


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          Highlander81 Find out more about Highlander81