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ICS MP5 SD5 upgrade guide?!

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  • ICS MP5 SD5 upgrade guide?!

    Hi people, im fairly new to the upgrade world and recently got myself a second hand ics mp5sd5, and have a few questions...

    The only upgrade on the gun so far (done by previous owner) is a tb 6.03 i believe, so for now i wish to leave that alone..

    Although some people at my local site suggested a longer barrel would increase my range, but having read up online this doesnt seem the case?!

    1stly, i wish to increase the range as much as possible while still maintaining a decent accuracy, i beleive the easiest way to do this is the hop up right?

    Would i be correct in asuming i can just replace the nub without the whole unit needing replacing, if so how hard is this to do and then set up after?
    also can anyone point me in the direction of said suitable parts....

    Please bare in mind i have only ever had stock guns and got others to do maintanence etc for me...

    Also i would like to increase the rof slightly, would the standard box happily cope with a 9.6v and is this the easiest way to give the rof a slight boost?

    Any other fairly simple and cheap upgrade suggestions that would have a positive effect to the standard gun would be appreciated...

    Sorry for the noob lack of knowledge on the inside workings, i have read other threads on upgrading but im unsure how much each aeg differs on the internals ie are hops generic or do they differ much between models and makes?

    I am an engineer by trade and am in no doubt i would quickly pick up how to do this work once explained, then i can finally work on my own guns in future!:D

    All advice and suggestions are very much appreciated



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