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ics m16 help

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  • ics m16 help

    ok got an old ics m4 ive made into an m16 its base parts are about five/six years old its just had a service and is firing pretty sweet but there is a few issues.

    I fitted a ics turbo 3000 motor and when it was being serviced i was informed there is an issue with the turbo 3000 motor head being too big for the gears causing additional friction.

    As a result ive been told the gears will break down alot faster and my trigger response is pretty poor and whenever i go to fire it struggles with the first round, then with a second trigger pull it fires two bb's.

    I thought it was possibly also something to do with the hop but its not a factor.

    I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and can recommend an alternative motor and if a mosfet combined with a new motor would increase the trigger responce and perform suggest a suitable one to go for.

    Cheers Bulb
    theres nothing better than when your friends show up with a whole lotta guns!

  • #2
    Re: ics m16 help

    For an alternative motor, you can;t go worng with a TM eg1000. The struggling with the frst shot will be the motor issue, and it could explain the two bbs on the second shot. On the first shot, does it actually fire a bb?


    • #3
      Re: ics m16 help

      no the motor turns but it doesnt pull the piston back enough then it fires fine after its done that.

      cant beleive ive spent a hundred quid on two motors not had them a year both barely used apparently they work great in the newer ics gearboxes but dont work well in the older ones...if only i knew! lol
      theres nothing better than when your friends show up with a whole lotta guns!


      • #4
        Re: ics m16 help

        Ok, the doeble feeding on the second shot IS a result of the not feeding on the first "shot". The tappet plate will have loaded two bbs.

        Anyway, try an Eg1000, if not, open up your gearbox


        • #5
          Re: ics m16 help

          cheers bud the aeg is firing great in the grand scheme of things but this little issue is just a little way too annoying for my liking and it makes using it on semi a bit more difficult, i'll get the tm motor and give it a try hopefully it'll be problem solved, will report back when i get it.
          theres nothing better than when your friends show up with a whole lotta guns!


          • #6
            Re: ics m16 help

            whats the quality of youre battery like, it could partially be down to that


            • #7
              Re: ics m16 help

              its a Gp 8.4 3300mah nimh battery
              theres nothing better than when your friends show up with a whole lotta guns!


              About the Author


              Bulb i like airsoft alot, oh, and beer i really like beer Find out more about Bulb