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Increasing recoil on Marui Shock series (M4/G36)

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  • Increasing recoil on Marui Shock series (M4/G36)

    I've currently got a CQBR running at 330fps ish, and was looking to give it a bit more kick. As far as I know this would normally be done by upgrading the weight and return spring, but it all seems a bit murky. I've heard different things regarding needing higher torque gears/motor, and was hoping someone could just clear it up.

    I would also be looking to get a G36K Recoil in the future as a project, probably just after christmas. I'm looking to turn it into a MG36. Asthetically that is rather easy, but I also want to upgrade the gearbox to reduce the chances of issues from the high level of fire (and possibly tune up the ROF a little, but a 7.4 lipo fires at a good speed anyway, so that's not too important).

    I'm thinking MOSFET and heavy duty gears as a standard, but I'm also interested in increasing the recoil if possible on this model. I'm hoping someone here has given one a look and may know how it's done. Also, does the G36K version take standard AEG springs or is it the shorter ones used in the M4? I'm guessing the shorter ones, but I'd rather ask first than get the wrong one later.

    Thanks for anyone who has the info :p

  • #2
    Re: Increasing recoil on Marui Shock series (M4/G36)

    All recoil shock aegs use the short spring. All recoil shock aegs use the same recoil shock gears, also called next gen gears.

    Upgrading the gears and bushings to bearings is really all thats needed with higher power. And thats only becuase the tm sector gear has a random tendency to either last forever or die within 6 months when it looses a tooth.

    With regards the recoil weight there are a few heavy recoil weight options now coming out from japan, but unfortunatly its expensive and in short supply. It really isnt an option at the moment.


    About the Author


    Ajhayter Rookie Airsofter, regular motorcylist, avid gamer! Find out more about Ajhayter