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mosfer advice

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  • mosfer advice

    im after a nice simple mosfet purley to save my trigger contacts now im using a 11.1lipo any sugggstions apriciated... have been seeing people with the burst wizzard ones that you plug straight into the battery do they work?

  • #2
    Re: mosfer advice

    They "work", but if you're going to run an 11.1V, you should get a fully-installed one.
    The "plug and play" ones only "soft-start", so less current gets pulsed into the trigger contacts when they meet. BUT, it still runs all the current through the trigger contacts.
    The fully-installed ones run very little current through the trigger contacts, which is used to turn on the MOSFET.


    • #3
      Re: mosfer advice

      you'd need one with active braking if your running an 11v lipo or it will overspin the motor in semi auto

      i had a burst wizzard and it was a waste of money i run a airfet which is good and been told fireworks mossfets are very good


      • #4
        Re: mosfer advice

        not sure about active breaking since i imagine it cant be great for your gearbox...its a bit like putting your car into reverse at 50mph... might give those burst wizzards a miss then if they dont take much of the current away from the contacts... any suggestions on a cheap mosfet? other than airfet since i bought a gun with one of those in once and it packed up on me and just fired continuously... funny for everyone watching but not realy what you want


        • #5
          Re: mosfer advice

          It's actually more like taking your foot off the accellerator, but leaving it in gear.
          The braking MOSFET units short the motor out, meaning that when it's turning without power (and it's operating as a generator), it feeds the power back on itself, so it slows down quicker.


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