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Help: guarded block 17 air nozzle

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  • Help: guarded block 17 air nozzle


    I was giving my block a good strip down and inside out clean. I took out the nozzle and undid the screw on top to get the two pieces in it out for cleaning... But I lost the damn screw and because it so small I can't find it.
    Would I have to get a new nozzle?

    Also I'm looking for a bit more kick from the pistol, it has upgraded recoil spring but I want a bit more, any suggestions?

  • #2
    Re: Help: guarded block 17 air nozzle

    The screw errrrm no. When you buy the nozzles they come empty, i found this out the hard way! What make glock is it?

    To get a little better kick, you could try upgrading the piston in the rear, but again, need to know the make before i can help fully.

    Guarder nozzles arent that good though, loads of people have had issues with them, i personally didnt with my 226, but i leave that up to you. stock parts are very robust.

    WARNING. Post may contain traces of sarcasm. If you do not understand this, I pity your existence.


    • #3
      Re: Help: guarded block 17 air nozzle

      It's tm glock mate


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      joe123 Airsoft & more airsoft. Find out more about joe123