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WE M4 Open Bolt CO2 Mags?

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  • WE M4 Open Bolt CO2 Mags?

    Hi guys,

    Having used my SCAR on propane with the NPAS for a little while now, I am considering giving CO2 a try out to get that little bit more consistency between shots. Does anyone run their open bolt SCARs/M4s on CO2 and if so would you recommend them over propane magazines?

    Also, how long typically does a bulb of CO2 last and are there any issues with leaky o-rings/seals I should be worried about?


    - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -

  • #2
    Re: WE M4 Open Bolt CO2 Mags?

    from what i have heard, CO2 doesn't last as long as propane and the shot consistency is terrible.


    • #3
      Re: WE M4 Open Bolt CO2 Mags?

      Ive got a WE M4 that came with 12 Co2 mags,ive never used normal mags with normal gas so i cant tell the difference but ive had so many issues with my mags leaking !
      Ive had new seals fitted one month ago,not used them yet but 7 of the 12 leak already !
      The perks to them are the gun f##king kicks proper good and the fps what ever i set it to is spot on every shot so consistency is good but the Co2 bulb only lasts one mag full so
      you have to carry them around,plus a large flat head screw driver and refill aswell as reload bb's every time you have a chance,
      As i say ive not used normal mags before but these are the pros and cons ive found with my mags that id thought id let you know about,


      • #4
        A big downside you will find many Scar user complain about regarding C02, and that is the fact that it's likely to rip the rear of your gun to pieces.
        You reinforce part #66 to cope with the recoil and it then tears through #27 (I think that's the part) the part that #66 attaches to, and to my knowledge there's no upgrade for that part.

        Stick to propane in your Scar bud, C02 should be reserved for the M4 variants.


        • #5
          Re: WE M4 Open Bolt CO2 Mags?

          Unfortunately leaky WE M4 mags are not just reserved for the CO2 versions either. Thank you all for the advice, it shall be heeded and I will stick to my smokey propane on semi.
          - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


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          Olphy Find out more about Olphy