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WE/PTW Receivers

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  • WE/PTW Receivers

    Hello everyone,

    I'm about to venture into my first GBBR, as I was so impressed with a friends, and would like something a little more realistic for Milsim events.

    Ill be getting a Ratech CQB M4, but I'd like to have two different uppers for it. One big standard, and one modern/Gucci'd.

    A lot of the receivers are made for WA rifles, which I understand won't fit properly. However, there are a few receivers that are advertised as WE/PTW. Do they both run off the same receivers? And does this apply to both the upper and lower, or just the lower?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    I did a lot of digging into this as I wanted a VLTOR MUR upper to finish off my WE Noveske Diplomat project.

    In short Dytac made receivers that were PTW/WE compatible but I couldn't find any in stock anywhere.
    Others like Prime, I believe stated PTW fit but no mention of WE and I couldn't find any concrete info on if they were cross compatible.
    I can't see why the Dytac ones would be cross compatible and others would not, but I don't have the money to throw at an upper that may or may not fit and function.


    • #3
      Re: WE/PTW Receivers

      I believe they are cross compatible as some guys over on the ptw user group have used WE HK416 uppers on a ptw lower. As I understand the notch for the cylinder had to be cut into the rear of the upper and another one on the barrel threading. I was thinking of doing the same thing.


      • #4
        Re: WE/PTW Receivers

        Prime make specific WE lowers, also RS uppers are comaptible with WE. Prime PTW uppers should be compatible.


        • #5
          That's great guys thanks.

          Just for the record, I was only planning on getting another upper. And planned to leave the lower alone.


          • #6
            Re: WE/PTW Receivers

            PTW uppers need a few slight mods to fit (milling it is the easiest way). Real-steel uppers, even after they have been modified, are a legal grey area. WE HK416 receivers need to be reamed out to fit PTW cylinders (they are a tad undersized for the PTW cylinder). If you want a gucci upper that will drop straight in, Prime do Noveske and VLTOR marked MUR uppers.

            To the OP, why bother with a complete set of RA-Tech parts? There are some annoying problems with the RA-Tech hammer and sear design. I for one would not use them again!


            • #7
              He's not fitting the RA-tech parts, he's buying pre upgraded, there is a big difference.


              • #8
                Re: WE/PTW Receivers

                Thanks Tisane, yes, I'm buying a RAtech model rather than getting a WE and then adding parts!


                • #9
                  Re: WE/PTW Receivers

                  The problem is with the design of the parts themselves, not whether they were fitted by RA or retro fitted by a third party. The simple fact is that they are not 1:1 to the OEM spec. The RA-Tech hammer is too long - and this increases the pressure on the underside of the bolt as the BCG moves to the rear making the action stiffer than it should be. There are also issues with the disconnector that RA-Tech produce. Will you get a gun that functions if you buy an RA-Tech custom? Yes. Will you get one that functions as well as it could? No.

                  Still, at least RA-Tech FCG parts are maginally better than the crap that TSC market as doing the same job!


                  About the Author


                  Boo-Sabum Ben Instructor & Umpire with the International Taekwon-Do Federation Find out more about Boo-Sabum Ben