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Another 'which lube is bestest' thread.

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  • Another 'which lube is bestest' thread.


    I've done some searching on the forum; and can't really find many decent answers to my questions which is quite a surprise as I know there's a few topics surrounding this.

    What I want to know, is what lubricant is the best for a GBB pistol; and where exactly needs lubing? I want my pistol to be performing at 100% at every game, as I'm going to be using a pistol a lot more than I used to.

    I know a lot of people rave about FrogLube, and I probably would too if it wasn't so damned expensive. In other words - I don't want an extremely expensive product to do this for me!

    So, what other products are out there which are well rated for lubrication on a GBB Pistol? We're talking metal-metal for the slide & rails, and also maybe some silicone lubricant for the hop rubber and seals?

    As you may tell, I'm no genius with GBB maintenance as I don't really do it as a general rule. So, other than the slide rails & hop rubber.. what else should I be stripping/lubricating to keep my pistol up to a high standard? Also.. if I begin to get leaky mags (normally from the fill valve I believe) is the best thing to remove the valve, lube the o-ring and add some PTFE to the thread, or am I missing a trick somewhere?

    A definitive guide to cover all of these points would be simply amazing, but I can't find a decent one online that answers all my questions!

    Thanks in advance,

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aaron-hill09 Find out more about aaron-hill09