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glock mags not taking gas

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  • glock mags not taking gas


    my glock mag has stopped taking gas, it takes enough for 3 shots.. you can hear the gas going in and then it stops its like it cant fit any more in, there feels like there is gas left in the propane so im not sure what it is


  • #2
    Re: glock mags not taking gas

    hiya can you let us know what make the mag is and for what kind of glock its for (make brand etc)

    hoarder of ksc glocks currently 11+ parts and counting


    • #3
      Re: glock mags not taking gas

      Is the magazine upside down when your filling?

      If using coleman propane cans the gas in those becomes useless when the tank is about 1/4 full. You need LIQUID propane to run a pistol not the gas. The liquid expands inside the magazine to form the liquid which in turn fires the gun.


      • #4
        Re: glock mags not taking gas

        Yeah sorry guys 3 TM 50rd and 1 we 25rd mag and its in a WE Glock 17 gen 4

        Yeah its a coleman propane. You can hear the liquid when you shake it


        • #5
          Re: glock mags not taking gas

          It does not matter if you can hear liquid or not. They will not properly fill magazines if they are less than 1/4 full. Try another can

          It's because there is no longer enough pressure in the tank to force the liquid out of the bottle into your mag. Whats left inside will still work on a blowtorch etc.. as they use the gas to power the flame not the liquid.


          • #6
            Re: glock mags not taking gas

            Stargate is correct in effect - you can't fill mags once a propane tank is less than 1/4 full. The reason for this is not the pressure (which will be exactly the same for a given temperature independant of liquid/vapour ratios) but the fact that the cylinders will contain a fill-limiting feature (like the brass pipe inside a GBBR mag) that guarantees there is still some vapour space in the pressure vessel.

            This is there to stop the bottle exploding should it get too hot (as liquids are incompressible, gasses are not).
            Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


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            desolation91 Simon Find out more about desolation91