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erm help? KWA M93r Slide lock?

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  • erm help? KWA M93r Slide lock?

    Hey guys ive just got a brand new NS2 (System 7)
    KWA Beretta M93r

    And since ive got it ive been having issues, one being a leaky top valve in a mag which im hopefully goin to get replaced

    But ive experianced strange things with the gun itself
    for example if the hammer wasnt pulled back or not cocked and i pushed a magazine in, the gun would sometimes expell gas or even fire... =-S

    And the other issue ive had is sometimes even if there is rounds in the gun the slide lock will kick in and i'd have to re-rack the slide =-S

    Is this common with KWAs?
    I heard very good reviews on this gun so i feel like ive pulled an exremely short straw =-(

    If anyone could shed some light on the matter it would be much appreciated thanks


  • #2
    Re: erm help? KWA M93r Slide lock?

    my non-NS2 M93r was having the gas expelling and random firing problem game before last, needs slide removing and dismantaling and a good clean down then silicon oiling, works fine for me now. can't help you with the rest of it i'm afraid


    • #3
      Re: erm help? KWA M93r Slide lock?

      Thanks for the message, ive actually solved the problem now. Thats actually what i did in the end, kept cleaning the lower reciever and lubing up the area around the slide. Let it wear in and now it fires perfectly with nowslide locking while in the middle of a skirmish

      On a another note, for those who are thinking of buying this gun or think they got the same issue.

      i still have the gas expelling issue but it seems to be a design with the trigger/firing pin mechanism. it appears theres nothing to return the firing pin once the hammer has stuck ergo, it rests on the release valve of the mag.
      I tend to load the gun with the slide racked back now and in the decocked position if you really push down on the hammer it will take a shot but i think this is the design of the gun rather than a fault.

      Overall this is still a lovely little pistol. Full auto works a treat no cool down needed, yet to try it in the cold but i cant wait
      One thing i did have a issue with, on a 6 hour day of skirmishing, the blow back unit siezed up about 4 an a half hours in. Considering i lubricated it all at the beggining of the day i was shocked that there was no sillicon left, but just a quick spray of Gun oil 35 and it was back to new.


      • #4
        Re: erm help? KWA M93r Slide lock?

        Gas being expelled I believe is down to the KWA's cheapness of manufacture. The KSC guns tend to have a sprung elbow in the valve knock, that stops this from happening. On a TM, the valve knocker is locked forward, but allowed to be pushed upwards if you insert a new mag. The valve knocker on all GBBs should be locked forward after it's fired a shot, it'll return backwards once the slide has cycled. So the valve isn't just open for a little bit while the hammer effectively hits it. It is open, locked open, then closes again once the slide has got to the right point. Usually about midway in it's travel.

        It might be that KWA also have the spring elbow on the valve knocker, like the KSC pistols, but that yours is dirty (might have missed a bit? :P) or the spring is week, or the unsprung part still sticks out too far. I've not been inside a KWA pistol...
        Tanaka M700 RealSword SVD TM VSR
        I want your broken Tanaka shotguns!


        • #5
          Re: erm help? KWA M93r Slide lock?

          thanks for the input dope on a rope +1 for that
          I did have a second look at the hammer assembly and yes it does have a sprung elbow.
          As the mag is inserted the "valve knocker gets pushed upwards... but the tollerances seem a lil bit of on the design and it still puts a tiny bit of force onto the valve release, opening it just a little bit. (I did clean it up a bit haha )

          However when decocking the gun with a mag in the the valve valve knocker pushes directly on the valve release rather than going up. bit of an annoyance but it really does appear as you said "Cheapness of manufacture"

          Having said that despite the safety issues of a possible missfire, its fires a treat muhahaha. just hope it doesnt shoot me in the foot lol


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