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ks usp 45 help

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  • ks usp 45 help

    Ok just replaced broken mag vavle with a high flow one as the standard one got pushed in too far by my brother .

    Now every time i put the mag in my gun the gas comes straight out as if theres no seal and there is a small chunk taken out of the gas route flow.

    Ps if needed i could post a video up.

    the ks usp is a clone of the ksc usp

  • #2
    Re: ks usp 45 help

    You say the gas comes strait out. Is that when you put the mag in the gun, the whole mag vents before you've even pulled the trigger?
    Have you cocked the gun, then put the mag in, does the same thing happen? Or is it when you pull the trigger, the gas goes all over the place and the gun doesn't cycle properly?
    Or is it that when you put the mag in, a little bit of gas comes out, and goes everywhere, but the mag still holds most the gas?
    Do you have another mag you've tried in it?
    Tanaka M700 RealSword SVD TM VSR
    I want your broken Tanaka shotguns!


    • #3
      Re: ks usp 45 help

      nope sorry no gas and basically when i put the mag in gas comes out but theres still quite a bit of gas still in the mag i would say about half a mag


      • #4
        Re: ks usp 45 help

        Well, cocking the gun first should stop this problem. Or putting the mag in when the slide is racked. This happens a lot on KWA pistols (or Taiwan version KSC) because the way the valve knocker is built. Slightly different to the TM version.

        Anyway, if you take the slide off, and pull the trigger, you'll see the valve knocker sticking out. Put the gassed mag in (when you get some gas) and watch what the valve knocker does, just so you understand the function. You should then understand which part might appreciate a little bit of silicone or a good clean. Or if there's something actually broken (doesn't sound like it) then you'll probably notice that, or at least notice another weird problem that you can get back to us with details of.

        I don't really understand either of your posts. Please start using punctuation. I'd have thought in the reply to my post, you might have gone over it step by step and answered the questions, but you don't appear to have done that. As such, I'm still not sure what's going on... So make an effort to be understandable please, and I'll be able to help better.
        Tanaka M700 RealSword SVD TM VSR
        I want your broken Tanaka shotguns!


        • #5
          Re: ks usp 45 help

          Sorry but I am now out of gas .but I had just enough gas for half a mag .So I did the thing were you said the rack the gun before you put the mag in and it seems fine.

          and also when you rack the gun back is the hammer supposed to lock down so its ready to fire.

          But if the problem still happens I will make a video it will just be easier.

          Thanks so much for your help


          About the Author


          SAS Scott Pure petrol head who is also crazy about airsoft. Find out more about SAS Scott