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re-spray pso-1m2 scope

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  • re-spray pso-1m2 scope


    I'm in no luck in finding a GREY Dragunov pso-1m2 scope, only black is avaliable these days. I specifically want a grey one because it's more authentic for a russian SVD, the black ones were more used by the Chinese on their NDM rifles.

    I noticed (and read) that the paint is a grey hammer paint... it looks like it's been hammered with a... well... hammer.
    The black scopes does too but is it even do-able to respray a black one to grey without losing the hammerite effect?

    Also, is the grey a light grey or more a dark grey?
    I never saw one personally and the pictures on the net are often made with the flash on, so this is difficult to see; I want ofcourse the color grey which is nearest to the real deal!

    I'm in Holland, (the only country in Europe, even the world, where airsoft is 100% forbidden). If anyone sells this scope in grey color I will be very interested. (pref. within the EU, because of customs).

    Any suggestion is welcome!


  • #2
    Re: re-spray pso-1m2 scope

    Surely google is your friend, seeing as you found out it was grey in the first place...? If not, then I'm thinking it was a lighter grey. Could be wrong though, and it could easily be a mid to dark grey :p
    Also, should we even be helping you? Seeing as it's illegal in your country... I'm just curious as to what you could do with just the scope on it's own.


    • #3
      Re: re-spray pso-1m2 scope


      Well, maybe i'm only a scope collector, which isn't forbidden.

      Only the gun itself is forbidden (not the accessories) and there is no way I can import one into my country without customs seeing it in the X-ray; let alone you get a BIG fine and a police record for it. But the case is that I live very near the Belgian border and the illegal things are imported to, stored and used in Belgium (The Ardennes) so that makes it all legal again!

      Back to the scope... if you have seen one personally and can tell me what kind of grey it is, I will be much appreciated.


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