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Removing the upper handguard on the G&G RK47 Spetsnaz

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  • Removing the upper handguard on the G&G RK47 Spetsnaz

    Hi guys,

    I've just been trying to remove the upper handguard on my G&G RK47 Spetsnaz (yes, I know it's not based on a real gun, because it's about an inch shorter than the AK74SU. Hardly the crime of the century) but can't seem to remove it all the way. I was hoping someone on here might have one they've had some success with.

    On the other G&G RK series AEGs, the full length ones, you just rotate the lever underneath the front sight and the upper handguard can come off easily enough. On this one though, just doing that doesn't seem to be enough. Once the charging bolt is removed and the lever is pulled down the upper hand guard can be removed most of the way, but is in way too tight to come out completely. I thought maybe you need to remove some of the front sight assembly and the flash guarder to take it out, but I can't remove that either!

    G&G have built an incredibly solid gun here, but there's so little tolerance in a lot of the parts I'm worried I'm going to break something trying to take it apart. I've already shredded the grip on one of the screws that holds the trigger guard on because it was so firmly machine tightened. They also don't do a separate manual for the Beta Spets, the just do one for the main RK series so that's no help. There is an exploded view on the G&G website which was some help, I think I can see what needs to come off but just can't remove the right parts.

    I have sent an e-mail to G&G asking for advice but they've not been all that responsive in the past.
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