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Dead player shield.

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  • #16
    Re: Dead player shield.

    The site normally runs this rule but my team didn't think the needed to move as in this game you must remain in position until tagged unless in line of fire but not one realized i was there I jumped out to fire just has they were about to be tagged. The opfor were pressing hard and fast my guys didn't really have time to react to it I put it down to B.E.N's comment a quirk of airsoft just didn't want to be seen to be cheating or unfair.


    • #17
      Re: Dead player shield.

      Originally posted by lf16 View Post
      I had a similar experience in an Infection game being pinned in an alcove that was hammered by three opfor 3 or 4 team mates got hit and i managed to hide in the alcove. My teammates announces "were all dead here"(he didn't see me) to stop the hail of fire As the opfor push up to tag them onto their team, i pop out and knife kill him rather than point blank his face. His two buddies were stacked on the wall not looking waiting for him to give the all clear. so they got knife killed as well.
      A bit long winded but i have been wondering ever since if what i did was right considering my team mate told them it was clear. Should i of announced myself and had the dead guys get lit up as there was no egress or is it opfor's fault for not maintaining combat awareness ,after all dead men don't talk .
      Dead men don't talk so should only say 'hit' and then clear area. It would then be opponents decision to react to situation. Then this situation wouldn't have happened. The fact you are asking suggests deep down your concience tells you that what you did wasn't in the spirit of the game rather than right or wrong. Players aren't oblidged to announce they are there unless there is a challange rule or something similar.


      • #18
        Re: Dead player shield.

        Originally posted by Gonz View Post
        Dead men don't talk so should only say 'hit' and then clear area. It would then be opponents decision to react to situation. Then this situation wouldn't have happened. The fact you are asking suggests deep down your concience tells you that what you did wasn't in the spirit of the game rather than right or wrong. Players aren't oblidged to announce they are there unless there is a challange rule or something similar.
        I have no issues with what i did and as far as iam aware no complaint was made to marshals. my teammates laughed opfor looked a bit hacked off after all 3 being knifed. But I understand other people might have a different view which is why i asked for peoples thoughts as i don't want to piss on any ones day when i play as i know how some people can react.


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        seansamurai1 Over the 30 mark but not over the hill yet!!! Find out more about seansamurai1