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GBB AK's - options?

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  • #31
    Re: GBB AK's - options?

    There are actually a surprisingly large number of manufacturers who make parts for the GHK AK range:

    LCT (for external parts)
    Dynamic Star

    If you're a total GBBR noob then get used to regularly working on the gun - you can't treat GBBRs in the way that you can AEGs.


    • #32
      Re: GBB AK's - options?

      Originally posted by FullMetalAsh View Post
      Oh dear, that's ruined it for me haha. Is it not possible to just order from RATech directly? The trigger set is around $100, and I'm not sure how much the CNC hammer is, but that's not too bad. Just replace as they go along. The ROF doesn't bother me, I never use full auto anyways.

      I haven't even seen any GHK's for sale in the UK. ''/.
      Nope, you can't even order the parts from the source, word on the grapevine is that the first batch of items had QC issues so they have shelved the design until improvements are made. You can't get hold of the hammer itself either, believe me I've tried. The only alternative which I have gone for is the Hephaestus trigger set which is $30 cheaper than the RA Tech and unlike it replicates the WE design to within a mm so should fit inside the receiver with no problems (allegedly).

      ROF will matter more than you think when you get into the thick of it, like I said the buffer solves that nicely and the gun kicks so nice and so loud that you won't be able to resist a quick flick to full on a hot day.

      For sheer out of the box performance, as well as more options for AK variants (GHK AK104.... Spleurge) as well as upgrades and green gas/CO2 magazines, I would always go for the GHK. Yes you need to deal with the Far East, but by my experience I don't see that as a problem, unless you're impatient and like paying inflated UK prices.
      - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


      • #33
        Re: GBB AK's - options?

        So GHK is worth the price then. Considering a new GHK AKM is £20 cheaper than the WE package, I have some more cash to play with. Need to get an NPAS and a spare mag or two. What's the stock fps like of the GHK? The website I'm looking at says 350ish on CO2 but that seems very low, I've seen them chrono for 470+ on tubeyou. Anyone have first hand experience? Thanks for all the help guys


        • #34
          Re: GBB AK's - options?

          I'd chuck an NPAS or flute valve into your budget as well, I would never run a gas gun without one. The WE isn't bad, I'm sure when I get mine fixed I will be in love with it again, but given the choice again I would save for a GHK.
          - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


          • #35
            Re: GBB AK's - options?

            Yeah there's no way I'd risk running a GBBr without an NPAS. The thought of turning up to a game and the chrono reading being through the roof and me not being able to use it would make me want to cry. I probably wont be going airsofting till the summer now anyways as I'm studying so damn hard for my end of year exams, so it gives me time to save I guess. Who knows, maybe some tasty little extra's will be released by then! I'll have plenty to save for I'm sure. Thanks for all the help guys, really helped to inform my choice here


            • #36
              Re: GBB AK's - options?

              FYI, the Hephaseus kit is a perfect fit.
              - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


              About the Author


              FullMetalAsh Astronomy, Airsoft, Guitar. Sorted. Find out more about FullMetalAsh