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newbie dilemma

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  • newbie dilemma

    after dabbling when i was a kid with a few springers, i have decided to start skirmishing, i'm after some advice with regards to AEG purchase, loadout isn't an issue for me, however what is the general consensus, do i wait untill i earn my UKARA registration or do i purchase a 2 tone weapon?


  • #2
    Re: newbie dilemma

    The general consensus will be wait, and the good advice will be to rent and borrow guns while you play a game or two (or three if you insist on getting UKARA registered) then you'll have a feel for what you like and will be able to buy a pretty looking RIF.
    102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

    Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


    • #3
      Re: newbie dilemma

      I am 50/50 on this. On one hand, I completely understand the desire to "have something right now"... I did it ;-) You can prob get something nice and cheap off the forums too for three games. Renting at Ł30 per game and you could probably get a cheap sportline two-tone MP5 or M4 just to use for 3 games.

      On the other hand, why spend the cash on a bright blue gun that you'll want to replace with something sexier after your three games are up? Take that extra cash and instead of buying a Ł150-Ł200 2Tone/IF before getting on the UKARA DB, buy a Ł300 RIF that you'll want to curl up in bed with every night!!!!

      Hard choice... but I'd say save the cash, borrow a gun off a mate or rent for 3 skirmishes and then buy something awesome for your first purchase.


      • #4
        Re: newbie dilemma

        I waited and glad I did. I used the rental M4 and AK's for the three times I needed to go, looked at a load of other guys RIF's and then took a plunge into the second hand market on my local game site's forum. Much easier doing it that way, than getting a 2 tone and not being able to shift it on.


        • #5
          Re: newbie dilemma

          cheers for the ideas guys, it does seem more logical to get hands on with different hire RIF's and find one that suits my style of play, and more importantly budget and get some advice off of players at skirmishes. instead of buying some hideous explosion at a paint factory and not be able to shift in in a few months time


          • #6
            Re: newbie dilemma

            Bare this in mind: transparent guns don't look that bad and once you get UKARA, you'll be able to get another nicer gun and use the IF for familiarising yourself with AEG internals as at that point it won't matter if it gets broken, it'll also help you identify issues that may arise in your nicer toy!
            Originally posted by Lt. Macka
            big black shapes draw the eye.


            • #7
              Re: newbie dilemma

              Wait until you get UKARA unless you really cannot resist splashing the cash now; in which case, think about buying an IF which can easily be converted to a RIF once you register with UKARA.


              • #8
                Re: newbie dilemma

                Agreed - see if you can borrow a friend's RIF for a game, and then maybe swap and use another. Just get a feel for it. Before I had skirmished I thought I really wanted a G36C... until I used one for a game and was horrified with it. XD Once you know what kind of RIF you want (and don't want), you'll make a better choice on what to spend your money on.
                TM > JG



                • #9
                  Re: newbie dilemma

                  i'd wait , it's only three games , why spend on a gun then spend again on another , another thing is that two tones lose a lot of value second hand because nobody wants them .


                  • #10
                    Re: newbie dilemma

                    I'm also in favour of you going three times, while you also decide what you would like to get as your first RIF, rather than rushing it, then ending up with something you don't like, and can't shift on the second-hand market.

                    That said, popular beginners choices are:

                    G36 variants (I actually started with a JG/ASG G36c, quite a cracking cheap little AEG too!)
                    AK's and variants
                    AR's (M4, M16, etc.)
                    Rocking out... With my Heckler & Koch out...!

                    Legion 412


                    • #11
                      Re: newbie dilemma

                      i've had a little play with a G36C and an AK47 on a rifle range, i didn't like the GŁ^ but the AK was most enjoyable, but i should imagine i'll go the l85 route or some form of M4 varient with easily sourced parts


                      • #12
                        Re: newbie dilemma

                        Originally posted by Proto View Post
                        Bare this in mind: transparent guns don't look that bad and once you get UKARA, you'll be able to get another nicer gun and use the IF for familiarising yourself with AEG internals as at that point it won't matter if it gets broken, it'll also help you identify issues that may arise in your nicer toy!
                        This is what I did, still have my "Clear" G & G M4 and it's kind of cool being able to see all the internals but you could always buy a metal Body for it later on.


                        • #13
                          Re: newbie dilemma

                          Rent for the first few games, but try to rent a different gun everytime. This will help you get a feel for the sort of gun you like (for instance, and M4 might sound good now, but if you used say an MP5, you might change preference). Also chat with people in the safe zone - a lot of people are happy to let you blat a few rounds off from their gun, providing you ask nicely and don't dick around with it.

                          Also, whilst renting, it'll give you a chance to get other kit together - decent boots, goggles, clothing ETC


                          • #14
                            Re: newbie dilemma

                            Hang on for UKARA, I know the impulse to buy is strong (I bought a two tone pistol and instantly regretted it, I sold it on later, but wished I had never bothered).
                            Originally posted by Scotty Dog:
                            I usually just keep a turd in a drop leg holster, then if i'm cornered I just sling it and at least one person will get a faceful. It's great on ammo too, especially if i've had a KFC on the way there.


                            • #15
                              Re: newbie dilemma

                              Wait, it's more fun this way, gives you something to look forward to and some extra time to research what gun you want
                              Just ask other skirmishers if you can have a hold of their guns too, Most of us are happy to hand them over, don't be afraid to ask them what they think of the gun themselves.


                              About the Author


                              well_then i love rugby, and triathlon and have now developed a keen interest in airsoft after toying with it when i was a kid, looking to skirmish regularly hopefully at GZW Find out more about well_then